Thursday, December 10, 2015

Friday, December 8th

No Surprises

I'm heading out the door with two exuberant Goldendoodles jazzed and ready for their evening walk. I'm bundled up and have their leashes tightly wound around my hands. We start up the hill and before either of them spot the rabbit nestled into a dip in the yard, holding ever so still so as not to be seen, I anticipate what is likely going to happen when the rabbit is spotted.

Nothing gives Molly Dog more joy than to give chase to a rabbit. She knows this isn't allowed in the city, or when she is on a leash. However, I know her well enough that she'll need some firm words in the way of reminder and that I'll need to shorten up on the leash...just in case.

 She spots the rabbit. Her whole body is on alert. Her steps are short and quick; her body quivers, primed to dart. She looks back at me yearning for approval. I lower my voice and say, "Don't even think about it." I shorten up the leash. Gemma looks back as if to say, "Seriously, is she even considering it?" One dog, I know, is in tune with me and I leave her leash alone. The other dog, still needs firm boundaries and close monitoring. We pass by the rabbit. Molly is prancing and whining but she keeps on moving forward. The rabbit is safe.

Why this story? A gentle reminder to us all that in the upcoming week, the need for adhering to norms and expectations is more important than ever. Students who struggle with self-regulation need us to step it up - not relax - with our routines and procedures. We want to have fun and enjoy this special time of year - and we can do that. We can do that by supporting them in keeping things tight - not loose.

Calendar Reminder For Parents:
Please remind parents that we do have students on Friday, December 18th and that we do not have students on Monday, January 4th.


Week of Dec. 13th:
Monday- Drumming
Tuesday- Debbie out in am for PLS meeting
Wednesday- PD in the library @1:30
* Guest presenter
* Progress monitor school goal Thursday- A make-up session on Love and Logic "Recovery" class- open to all (Please consider if you need a refresher.) @ 4:30 in the art room
Friday - classroom parties(?)
Staff Celebration at Billie's house - Thanks in advance Billie:)

Week of January (gulp!) 4th:

Monday : Staff only
Tuesday: No RTI
1:30 Staff Development Library

Sound Systems
I've noticed in classrooms that we value having students learn from one another. One way we are doing that is by having students share their thinking. I've also noticed that it is sometimes really hard to hear them. Some of our sound systems need repair or you need batteries...or something. Please let Julie know if you need anything to get your sound systems back in working order. It is a huge difference for learners when they don't have to strain to listen. 

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, November 19, 2015

November 20, 2015

First Impressions Count

Ten years ago, when we opened our doors, one goal we shared together was how to create a welcoming environment. We wanted to create an environment that people got an instant feeling of who we were and what we were about. We selected furnishings for the lobby intentionally to create a mood and flavor. We committed to only hanging student art - and making sure we had visually appealing displays, colors and messaging.

Just the other day I was engaged in conversation with a staff member who had visited another school. She was struck with how clean, organized and beautiful the school was, reflecting on the overall positive impression it had given her. I left our conversation wondering what impression our school gives off to visitors and our community? I didn't have a good feeling. 

We are exploding at the seams, having utilized every nook and cranny. We have purged together, rearranged and reorganized. And yet, might we be only mid-way into the challenge of recreating our space? We have answered the call of redefining learning spaces and are seeking ways to be innovative, but have we created order and beauty? 

As you look around, does our school communicate our value of stewardship? Look at your space right now. Does it? I'm looking at my office and I am a very poor model for that which I speak. I'm committing right now, that this space will look differently in a few weeks. I recognize that I may need to develop a few routines to support my goal of transforming my personal space and to maintain it. I need to allocate a few minutes every day to keep the order and demonstrate my commitment to being a good steward.

In the book, Classroom Spaces That Work, a Responsive Classroom resource, chapter six is devoted to creating ambience in our classrooms. "Ambience is not easy to define or describe, yet most people know within minutes of entering a place whether the ambience is right for them. Does the place make them feel comfortable or tense? Stimulated or bored? Welcome or alienated? Ambience is the feeling or mood associated with a particular place. It involves our emotional responses to a place and how that place affects all our senses."

We have embraced collaborating with our students to design our learning spaces. However, I believe we are still responsible for defining and monitoring whether the ambience is welcoming, comfortable and engaging. We each have our own unique style, so our rooms should reflect that, but we should have unity in a shared commitment to a community that reflects our value for order, organization, and beauty. "While a teacher's passions should never dominate the room, they certainly are critical to enlivening its ambience and sparking students' excitement about learning. Some of the most engaging classrooms I've been in are the ones in which the teacher's passions - whether for art, history, poetry, or the natural world - are obvious and reflected in the physical setup of the room."

In the Reggio Emilia approach, the environment is the third teacher. "The environment is recognized for its potential to inspire children. An environment filled with natural light, order and beauty. Open spaces free from clutter, where every material is considered for its purpose, every corner is ever-evolving to encourage children to delve deeper and deeper into their interest."

A classroom's ambience, and the school at large, makes a difference in how well children learn.
Take a critical look around your learning space/work area. Ask yourself these questions:

What impression does it give? 
Have you created ambience that reflects your values? 
Is it a place that people will want to stay? 
Is it organized, tidy, pleasing to the eye, does it invite a visitor to want to come in? 
Have you used your learning spaces funds in such a way that it has raised the level of ambience in your space to a new level?
Would you describe it as inviting, warm and beautiful?
Have you created high-quality documentation panels of learning?

Please join me in evaluating your space. It is a critical component of our goal work together in taking our school to the next level.
I wonder, with some care and attention, what we might do together in the next month? Could this potentially be a way to include parent volunteers and enlist their help in organizing, purging and displaying Learning Expedition documentation panels? I'll bet there are even parents who might be interested in doing this in collaboration with their student? I think there are clever ways to enlist some helping hands. 

(I'll leave the book on my coffee table should you be interested in a deeper look.  Here are a few links for further study: Marie Montessori talks about a 'Prepared Environment' and 


Sign Language
Thanks Wendy for the short video reminding us all to use the sign-language we committed to using with students as an entire school!
Check your email for the video.
We look forward to learning more!

Middle of the Year Self-Evaluation
 Official communication from the district level: The MOY evaluation window is now open.  Please remember that the MOY Self-Evaluation is required by all teachers and evaluators.  The MOY Self-Evaluation is due by January 15th for both teachers and evaluators.  The MOY evaluation deadline for CITE/LEAD is January 31st. 

Last year, I started Mid-Year Evaluations in December and finished almost all of them before break.
If you are ready, and have your MOY self-evaluation done and evidence uploaded to support your ratings, please coordinate with me to schedule your conference in December.
Please, please folks - don't put off uploading evidence as something to do over the holiday break. 
That would be a real drag for you and for me!

How is uploading evidence going?
Please remember if you are tagging things to CITE Standard One, you need to include your plans.
Also, remember to write your narratives in a word or google doc, so if you need to revise, you don't need to rewrite the entire entry, since CITE won't allow you to revise after you submit.
Consider uploading evidence and only tagging a few elements that are strongly connected, rather than one piece of evidence with lots of things tagged to it. That's when rating it gets blurry. You can even use the same evidence several times and tag different elements with each entry - keeping it concise and targeted.

Consider your work around writing READ plans, required moodles, drills, self-evaluations for CITE as evidence for CITE Standard 5 - Professionalism - 5.5:demonstrates professional and ethical conduct including following all laws, district policies and school procedures.


November 23rd - 27th:
* No RTI meeting - Building Leadership Team meeting 7:00 a.m. (all staff welcome to listen in if you would like to come)

Wednesday - Thanksgiving Break

November 30 - December 4th:
* District Budget meeting - Deborah out of the building

* RTI meeting 7:30 a.m.

* The Beat
* PD: Part One of First Aide/CPR course
* Remember to bring your $6.00 cash for your card
* Course will run until 5:00 p.m. 

* Discovery 4th grade field work
* PK12 Admin mtg - Deborah out of the building

Have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, October 29, 2015

 Mission Statement

Over a week ago, the committee met to grapple with our next steps for Portfolio's. We went in one direction, and that opened the doors to yet another direction, and then another direction...We had to explore and search together and we arrived at an entirely new place. We are excited to share that with you next week on Tuesday.
The first action step from that meeting was for me to communicate to you - and I failed to do that last Wednesday - what each of us needs to do in preparation.
So here goes...
We looked at our mission statement and acknowledged that it was meaningful to us as a staff - maybe not so much for kids? We don't want to change our mission statement - but we do want it to be meaningful to kids. So, we decided that each teacher - with their Crew - would unpack our mission statement; wrestle with it and create a version for your Crew that students feel attached to and can make meaning of.
We will be using your Mission Statement version as we move forward with our Portfolio work.
Jill was part of the committee and shared in her recent blog post with parents, the experience of writing their Crew Mission Statement. I'm sharing because I know we all love an example!
Please plan to do this with your Crew. If you have questions or need support in how you might do this, let me know. 

Here's a excerpt from that post:
"Our school is working on a new mission statement. The staff decided that we should ask the students for their input and ideas. We also wanted them to know that we have a mission statement and to know what we are working towards and what we hope for them by the time they graduate from Renaissance.

Renaissance Mission Statement
To empower students to explore, discover and understand the world around them and the passions within them.

Who are...
  • creative, reflective, fulfilled individuals
  • active, compassionate citizens
  • courageous builders of a harmonious and sustainable world.

After several days of discussing this during our morning meeting, we finally broke down all of the language into our own version that is more easily understood by a first grader. It was a wonderful discussion that led to many great things in our classroom (more on that below).

Ms. Jill's Crew's Version of the Mission Statement
Explore and look at everything around you in the world and figure out what you love.
We will be creative, caring, loving and kind to everything and everyone.
We will think hard every day.

At first the crew tried hard to figure out what I might want them to say. They said things like "parts and wholes are in the world" and "our family, crew and world are all together" and so on. These things are coming from our learning in our current Expedition about families and from our essential understanding of parts and wholes. I did love that they could relate those things to the mission statement but I wanted them to go deeper and talk more about what those ideas (once we broke down the language) meant to them. They did not disappoint. They dived right in and we had some wonderful discussions. My favorite comment was when Halle said, "Oh my gosh, we are thinking about thinking! Isn't that funny?" We spent a whole morning discussing what "explore" meant. We started out thinking that it meant that you had to go on a big adventure to someplace far away like Africa. We finally agreed that we can explore in smaller ways in our own backyards, classrooms, on computers and in books.

The next morning to help them tie all of their thoughts together, I read them the book, Me...Jane by Patrick McDonnell. This book tells the story of Jane Goodall as a child and how she studied the chickens in her chicken coop, ants, trees and other living things in her own yard by watching them closely, reading books and keeping a notebook about them. The books ends by explaining how Jane ended up becoming a scientist who studied chimpanzees in Africa by observing them, living among them and keeping a notebook with her observations."


November 2 - 6th:

Monday, Nov. 2nd:
6th grade field work to Ice Core Lab
* Case For Change (1st course in the Learning Progression) offered her at Renaissance from 4:30 - 7:00. (You must register through the Center of Staff Development)

Tuesday, Nov. 3rd:
All Day Professional Development Day (see agenda below)
GT Discovery Parent Information Night 6:30 (for perspective parents)
Yellow Card Class @WSC Telluride Room 4:30 - 6:30 (register through CSD)

Wednesday, Nov. 4th:

Ted Knight (Assistant Superintendent) will be bringing his group to do a school walk-through in the morning

Conference Attendees report out
CITE evidence session

Thursday, Nov. 5th: 
Deborah out at PK12 mtg
Love and Logic 4:30 facilitated by Pam

November 9th - 13th:

Monday, Nov. 9th:
6th grade field work to Keystone

Tuesday, Nov. 10th:
MTSS (RTI) 7:30 a.m. - Identifying students who need ALP's
Assessment office comes for PLC work with each grade level team

Wednesday, Nov. 11th:
The Beat
PD: Student Led Conferences

Thursday, Nov. 12th:
Deborah out of the building for Elementary Admin. mtg.
District Choice Fair 6 - 8 p.m.

Reminder: Dates for Learning Progression courses

Yellow Card Class on Nov. 3 @ WSC-Telluride 4:30-6:30 pm (session #784-5) 
Yellow Card Class on Nov. 16 @ Wilcox-Board Room 4:30-6:30 pm (session #784-6)

World Class Outcome Camp on Dec. 16 and 17 @ Cantril-Gym 4:30-6:30 pm (session #786-13)

Huge shout - out to Melissa for facilitating The Beat
 in Chelsea's absence.
Kuddos to her capable helpers
 who really did take a leadership role!
And a Bravo to Eric for all his support!
Thanks Melissa!
Thanks Eric!

Agenda for November 3rd Professional Development:

8:30: "Elasticity" presented by guest speaker, Kathy Stroh
9:15: 'Teaching with an Inquiry Approach' facilitated by Debbie and Lisa
11:30 ish: Update on Portfolio Plans

Afternoon: Work time with support to create your EPR template.

Have a great weekend!

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Back In the Saddle Again...

Back in the Saddle Again...

I apologize that Friday Flash is arriving in your email at 9:00 pm on Sunday night! The last few days of my break were spent in Wyoming, where my cell provider was hit and miss, and my sister had no internet. 
I went down to the local 'cafe', located on the one single block comprising the 'downtown' area of Saratoga, Wyoming in hopes that I could use their internet for just a bit to get a quick blog out to welcome you all back from Fall Break. I meandered up to the counter to inquire what the password might be for their internet. The gal just tisked at me, grabbed the coffee carafe and went out to refill coffee cups. This 'cafe' was missing the comfy couch and hip coffee scene and was more reminiscent of the squeaky old wood floors, oil cloth tablecloths and 'sturdy breakfast' type place. As I scanned the room, I took a minute to appreciate that there are yet locations in our busy world, where the fast pace of the web doesn't dominate. I appreciated the local clientele, outfitted in their camo and blaze orange and applauded their passion for their way of life and their strong community ties. I was reminded, yet again, of the power and importance of Belonging.
No internet.
No blog post.
Unplugged and grateful.

I hope your break provided you with a few days of being disconnected from the mayhem that can leave us frayed - even while on vacation! I hope you all had a wonderful break!

Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow.

Debbie will be available to help write READ plans and I will be available to help with whatever you might need.
1:00 will be the Portfolio Committee meeting in the library.

Week of October 19th:
Monday- Teacher Work Day
Debbie will be available to help write READ plans that day, if you're in need of assistance.
1:00 pm Portfolio Committee meeting in the library
Tuesday- Mandatory Safety Training @ 7:15 am in the library
District Lock Down drill at 2:30
Wednesday- ( No BEAT) Group and re-take pictures from 9-12:30 (Andrea will send out the sign up.)
CPR training for teachers in the library 1:30-5:30. You must bring 6.00 in cash.
Thursday- Love and Logic Training 4:30-6:00 in the art room
Saturday- OLE Work Day

Week of October 26th
Monday- Thursday Expeditionary Learning Conference in San Diego
(Amanda, Billie, Chelsea, Debbie, Hanni, Jody, Kim, Michelle, and Tyler out) 
Tuesday- MTSS/RTI meeting at 7:30
Wednesday- Collaborative Team Planning in afternoon

Welcome back!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Friday, September 25, 2015

by Don Graves

Until that moment,
ferret-faced Freddy
ruined my days. Eggs sat
cold on my morning plate,
the weather cloudy and grey,
and when I turned out
the light I heard
him laugh, "I wasn't doin'
nothing', Mr. Graves."

But on that day
when with eyes
lit by a new fire he asked,
"Did you know
Humpback pods create
a new song each year?"
something jumped between us.

We each built new lives
on that simple question;
Freddy followed his whales
and I've been looking
for what kids know
ever since.

Professional Development Agenda for Friday:

Potluck Breakfast 7:45 a.m. Library (optional)

Self - Mastery  8:30 Library (for all)

Professional Development 9:00

1st - 6th grade teachers
Math Learning Progression: Big Picture
Math Review
Application with support

Art, Music, PE, Sustainability, Kindergarten

Lunch Provided at noon

First Aide and CPR Requirement
We will be taking this course together on the first Wednesday (October 21st) when we return from Fall Break. The course will require that we stay util 5:00 that day. Please mark your calendars! The second half of the course will be on Wednesday, November 4th.
Each of us will need to pay $6.00 for the required card.
For those staff members who have already completed this course, this time will be for your personal needs. 


September 28 - October 2nd:

* Discovery Team PLC with Assessment folks

* RTI 7:30 a.m.
* PLC to look at student work with Assessment folks (during plan times)

* The Beat
* Professional Development: Collaborative Planning Time

* Deborah out of the building to PK12 Admin. meeting

* Bootcamp (schedule coming)
* Sack lunch  needed
* Pledge envelopes due

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Friday, September 11, 2015

Team Breath...

When I can, I filter information, tasks and expectations coming down from above and consider how I can thoughtfully support us all in managing the many demands. Last year, when we had to upload our data in CITE 6, we had an 'expert' sit with you, help and complete the task with you. Seemed like that worked pretty well? We purposely avoided raising anxiety by giving you lots of information about the task all through the year - and opted to just show you how.

I am going to use that strategy when it comes to something that is new this year. That is - the new Elementary Progress Report (EPR) which is now housed in Inspired Innovation. I'll meet with each of you, or as a team, between now and Fall Break and together, we will create your EPR for first semester.

Are you still taking slow, deep breaths or are you starting to hyperventilate?
Seriously - it's not bad - lots of drop downs and components to align what you do with what you need to report to parents. 
Another breath - and the serenity prayer.

For now - just hear this as information - not as another thing to do.

Lean on me. I'll do the heavy lifting.

Safety - The Priority
Wow...really feels like a plethora of mandatory trainings this year. There are more...
 Please think about how these trainings provide that critical safety net so nothing can happen to our kids that we are not prepared to prevent or handle. 
I know the time to juggle getting them done is a real challenge. Consider and then schedule pockets of 15 - 20 minutes when you might have them here and there to get these done. Perhaps scheduling them in to your calendar is the key? 

* Child Abuse Reporting
* Standard Response Protocol
* CITE Evaluation Training
* Playground Supervision
* Mandatory Safety Training (facilitate by district representatives)

I have a new form for you all to sign, which I'll leave on the counter at the front office, for you to sign and confirm that you have completed all the courses. These deadlines are non-negotiable. 

CITE Evaluation Training (Certified only)

There is one more - I am obligated to do a presentation on the CITE evaluation. Since we are devoting Wednesday afternoons to collaboration and professional development, that leaves after school to do this training. I believe I can complete it in 30 minutes or less. I will be doing this on Tuesday, September 15th at 4:30 p.m.  Sorry in advance for the conflict with yoga. Maybe they could start at 5:00 p.m.?

Playground Supervision Course

The Center for Professional Development in conjunction with Health & Wellness is offering a Response to Severe Injury on the Playground for all staff that supervise the playground. This is an online course that provides participants with exposure to the skills needed to properly respond to and manage severe injuries on the playground.

While this course is mandatory for all classified employees that supervise the playground; it is recommended for certified staff and administrators that supervise the playground as well. Staff can sign up via InspiredEd. The course number will be 803 with section designations beginning with -1, -2 etc. Classified staff mandated to complete this training should do so as soon as possible and no later than 10/1/2015.

Based on the premise that proper supervision enhances student safety, Playground Supervision aligns with DCSD’s Strategic Plan, and is not PGI eligible. It is expected that staff participate in this brief 25m online course during their normal working hours. 

Mandatory Safety Training 

Tuesday, October 20th (day students come back from Fall Break)
7:15 a.m. - 8:15 a.m. Safety Training
2:30 Lockdown Drill with District Safety personnel


Sept. 14 - 18th:
Goal Setting Conferences

Billie's Crew out on Voyage
 Bootcamp Kick-Off Assembly 3:25 p.m.

Multiple Tier System Support -MTSS meeting 7:30 a.m. (We use to call this RTI)
Mandatory CITE evaluation training for certified 4:30 p.m.
SAC meeting 5:30 p.m.

The Beat
PD: Collaborative Planning

Sept. 21 - 25:
Goal Setting Conferences

Professional Learning under the direction of the Assessment Team - Looking at Student Work via a protocol. Aligned with our school goal of increasing quality student work. Schedule coming.

MTSS meeting 7:30 a.m. (We use to call this RTI)
First Grade out on Voyage

Cindy (our school director) makes school visit in a.m.

PD: Meet in library at 1:30 - Leadership Team presenting revised mission work, Core Practices,year long professional development plan and details.
* Details provided for our Professional Development time on Friday.
* Could be some collaborative planning time.

No Students

Professional Development:
Potluck Breakfast for those interested
Lunch provided 

Focus of our work:
Morning -
* Math Focus - Phase 1( math skills) and Phase 2 (Thinking Mathematically)
* Discussion/decisions around Portfolios
Afternoon -
* Work independently or collaboratively for math instruction OR backward planning

School Accountability Committee-
Would one of you be willing to be our teacher representative this year?
Please let me know.
We generally have four meetings a year.
The first one is next week - September 15th at 5:30 p.m.

Where is Deborah?

There are only three weeks until Fall Break! Gulp! During that time I need to complete goal setting conferences with all staff. If  time was driving my plan there are more efficient ways of accomplishing this task, however, I value and enjoy the one-on-one time with each of you. I think the personalization is important. It will take me at least two weeks to complete these. Please let me know if your preference is to meet in your room or on my couch:)
I also need to engage in some first round formal observations with teachers prior to the break.
I also need to meet with grade level teams to show, explain and support understandings about the new Elementary Progress Report (EPR) before the break. 
I have been working toward uploading at least one piece of evidence into Inspired Innovation for each of you. I haven't quite hit that goal - but working on it!
Just want you to be aware of the focus of my work over the next three weeks in case you are wondering why I am less visible. 

Wish this could have been a more inspiring blog post...
AND sometimes, you just have to get the information out there.

Have a great weekend!

Friday, August 21, 2015

The Power of Great Literature

When I was visiting in Kim's room I saw this book, Each Kindness, displayed. I took a minute to read it. Gorgeous pictures and a strong message. Certainly a book that facilitates critical thinking, self-awareness and belonging. The ending wasn't what I was expecting.

Let's be sure to share with one another the great books we share, discover and recommend! There are more books than we could ever discover on our own and a plethora of incredible literature to choose from. Don't limit yourself in thinking that they are just for read-alouds. Picture books are a strong teaching tool: great reads for independent reading, a marvelous source for literature discussion circles, inquiry studies and powerful mentor text for writing.

Learning Spaces

In the spring our community raised 25 thousand dollars (!), allocated to our learning spaces. The Leadership Team will be meeting next week and one of our decisions to be made is the allocation of those funds. Be thinking about your learning spaces and what you might be able to do to enhance the environment if you had funds.

If you haven't been in to Kim's room - be sure to check out what she has created using Craigslist. Kim also shared with me a website she used last year to purchase the tools you see below featured in the pictures. Kim is eager to share the details of how she did this with you if you are interested in exploring this resource for funding. This website prefer that teachers collaborate with students to make the application. The kids are eager to share how much they love these tools!


*The group who is exploring creating the Renaissance Charter School is inviting all of the teachers to a screening of a movie, Most Likely to Succeed. (You've likely seen the posters around the school.) Tickets are $20 a piece (includes food and non-alcoholic beverage!)The discount code at the eventbrite site is teacher50 for Renaissance staff to receive a 50% discount on the ticket price. It applies to all staff - we all teach our kids. The screening of the movie is Saturday, September 12th at 11:00 a.m.

* When you are inviting parents into the school before or after school hours you need to have a plan for unlocking the doors - or greeting them. Please make the office aware that you will be doing this.

* You likely received an email from somewhere in the district letting you know that training is being provided for 'IC Gradebook Training'. Take this off your list of things to wonder about - this isn't for us.

Safety - a priority

We are required to conduct a one hour safety meeting with ALL staff, lead by a district security manager. It will be followed later in the day with a lock down drill, monitored by the district manager. 
Mark your calendars - and know that the date might change on us. The date now is Tuesday, September 8th at 7:15 a.m.  We are ALL required to attend this training. This is the first day back following Labor Day vacation - it could sneak up on you. The lockdown is scheduled for 2:30 the same day.
* I'll let you know if the date changes.

 Student -led Conferences

 We made a decision last year that Crew's can schedule student-led conferences when it makes sense in the learning progression rather than a school-wide date. This places the communication with parents on the classroom teacher. Looking at your plans and the learning progression, you should be identifying some dates of when it makes sense for students to share. Please be sure to give your families adequate notice of when these conferences will be occurring.

I attended a school visit in Atlanta several years ago and students were engaged in student-led conferences at that time. I thought it was an interesting concept to do them during the day. The teacher had a regular day, and there were spots set up in hallways, or in the classroom for students to 'confer' with their parents. I saw some students showing parents their portfolios (they had little guide sheets to support them in talking about their work) and students showing parents around the room quietly.

I would encourage those of you who think you'd like to try this - or create a version of it for yourself.  Of course, during the day won't work for many families, but it might for some! If parents knew in advance, they might be able to schedule an hour away from work to attend during the day.


Week of August 24 - 28th:

* Kenny's Crew on leaves on Voyage

* RTI meeting 7:30 a.m.
Tyler's Crew leaves on Voyage
3rd grade - Amanda and Jody leave on Voyage

Building Leadership Team Planning Session - all day
PD: Collaboration/planning

Building Leadership Team Planning Session - all day

First Grade field work 9:00 a.m.
School Assessment Coordinator meeting - Debbie out

August 31st - Sept. 4th:

*Michelle's Crew leaves on Voyage (Kenny taking them)
* Suzi's Crew leaves on Voyage

* RTI meeting 7:30 a.m.
* Second grade - Dana and Jen leave on Voyage

THE BEAT 9:15 ish a.m.

PK12 Admin meeting - Deborah out

Have a wonderful weekend!

Sunday, August 9, 2015

First Days of School

Let the Good Times Roll!

What a sensational beginning to our school year! So much joy, excitement and happy people!
Without exception, classrooms were focused on norms, teambuilding, routines, procedures and developing those strong relationships that are the foundation of a culture of belonging. No wonder it was such a great beginning!

Keep in mind that all of these really important components are best built in tandem - and become relevant, when they are paired with discovery, inquiry, critical thinking, problem solving and collaboration. It's impossible to do any of these things if you don't have something engaging to think about!  Now is the time to jump straight into your units of study. Grab their interest, excitement and passion. You can continue to build in the elements of culture as you go. 

I know I've talked about this before, but I think it warrants repetition. In the Reading Recovery world we called it 'Roaming Around the Known'. This means, the teacher creates many opportunities for students to engage in learning and the teacher observes and notices what the student controls, what they are on the verge of being independent with (with only a little direct instruction) and what things they will need more support with before they are able to work independently. Create learning experiences that will allow you to uncover this. Watching students in the act of making decisions is the very, very, very best assessment. Ask them lots of questions:
* How did you know to do that?
* What were you considering when you decided to do that?
* I noticed you....why did you?
* How do you know you are right?
* What could you try?
* When they look to you for guidance - before you give it - say, "Try something."
* Watch them in groups. What tools do they use? 
* What strategies are present for reading, writing, problem solving, thinking, sharing, communicating...
* Teachers talk less.
* Students talk and think more.

You get the idea. Be very intentional that while you have kids immersed in discovery, inquiry, problem solving - your goal is to notice where they are. Have them do lots of writing that matters to them - then look at it - what are you noticing about your writers? As they are reading, what is easy, what is hard? What do they share about what they have read? 
Avoid being focused on all the things they don't control and be intentional about noticing what they do control, independently without support from you. 
This means, that there is likely less direct instruction in the next two weeks. It still means pulling groups - doesn't matter if you have them grouped correctly - that's the purpose. At the end of the two weeks, you'll know exactly where they belong. Pulling them in groups allows you the opportunity to more closely observe, questions and interact. Of course you can 'teach the group', but it isn't your purpose. Do you know what I mean?
In the next few weeks, challenge yourself to create a t-chart on each student. On one side, write what you have noticed that they control independently and on the other side, note what the next steps should be for that student based on what they control. I would add a third column and write what I know about that student as a person. What are they passionate about? What is special about them?
'Roaming Around the Known' can be so rewarding for everyone. You will leave this time with a full head of information about your students and chomping at the bit to begin to teach. Your students will have had two weeks of feeling independent, successful and excited about learning. Enjoy!

A Peek Around the School
...if only I had been able to capture each one of you and every remarkable event!

Is everyone saying The Pledge each day?
We need to. 

Clever idea Brittany has for taking role.

A component of Morning Meeting is the agenda.
 Notice that the agenda doesn't list a schedule of 'subjects' but includes what students will be doing for the day. 


Week of August 10th:
* Drumming
* RTI meeting 7:30 a.m.
* Hanni's Crew leaves on Voyage

Week of August 17th:
* Drumming
* Lisa's Crew leaves on Voyage
* Brittany's Crew leaves on Voyage

* RTI meeting 7:30 a.m.
* Nicole's Crew leaves on Voyage

* Deborah out of the building to Elementary Admin. meeting

For Your Information

* All classroom doors must be locked. When you are present in the room you can use the doorjams or the magnetic strips. When you leave the classroom, the door must be locked behind you.

* We are no longer allowed to use sanitizer wipes.

* Make sure you have completed the mandatory moodle trainings. There may be a bit of time on Wednesday afternoon to complete some of these.
Please click on the link to access the district mandated trainings

* The Pledge of Allegiance needs to be recited every day.

* When you can, please send your blog link to Andrea and myself. We need to update the website. I would like to subscribe to whatever communication tool you have with parents.

* When you can, if you don't currently have a bio for our school website, please create one and give to Andrea for the school website. This is not urgent at all.

* I will be working with the office staff on the next two Wednesdays. We will be evaluating our current systems and identifying where changes can be made.

* This weeks professional development will be facilitated by Debbie, Amanda, and Chelsea. Chelsea will lead the activity. Amanda will be sharing some of her work, with primary teachers, around mathematics in hopes that it can be of support to others.  Intermediate teachers will be meeting, under the direction of Lisa, to create an assessment for reading to possibly use in lieu of iReady for CITE 6.

* Andrea is in the process of creating the drill schedule. We will be having a fire drill this week.  Make sure you know where you are to go and that you have the red/green card and an accurate class list for taking role. (Is this information included with sub plans?)

* For now, we will continue to drum (whole school but in Crews) until we have a chance to review whether this is what we want to continue to do. Remember, this doesn't mean it's the only time you can drum. 

Have a great week!