Thursday, December 10, 2015

Friday, December 8th

No Surprises

I'm heading out the door with two exuberant Goldendoodles jazzed and ready for their evening walk. I'm bundled up and have their leashes tightly wound around my hands. We start up the hill and before either of them spot the rabbit nestled into a dip in the yard, holding ever so still so as not to be seen, I anticipate what is likely going to happen when the rabbit is spotted.

Nothing gives Molly Dog more joy than to give chase to a rabbit. She knows this isn't allowed in the city, or when she is on a leash. However, I know her well enough that she'll need some firm words in the way of reminder and that I'll need to shorten up on the leash...just in case.

 She spots the rabbit. Her whole body is on alert. Her steps are short and quick; her body quivers, primed to dart. She looks back at me yearning for approval. I lower my voice and say, "Don't even think about it." I shorten up the leash. Gemma looks back as if to say, "Seriously, is she even considering it?" One dog, I know, is in tune with me and I leave her leash alone. The other dog, still needs firm boundaries and close monitoring. We pass by the rabbit. Molly is prancing and whining but she keeps on moving forward. The rabbit is safe.

Why this story? A gentle reminder to us all that in the upcoming week, the need for adhering to norms and expectations is more important than ever. Students who struggle with self-regulation need us to step it up - not relax - with our routines and procedures. We want to have fun and enjoy this special time of year - and we can do that. We can do that by supporting them in keeping things tight - not loose.

Calendar Reminder For Parents:
Please remind parents that we do have students on Friday, December 18th and that we do not have students on Monday, January 4th.


Week of Dec. 13th:
Monday- Drumming
Tuesday- Debbie out in am for PLS meeting
Wednesday- PD in the library @1:30
* Guest presenter
* Progress monitor school goal Thursday- A make-up session on Love and Logic "Recovery" class- open to all (Please consider if you need a refresher.) @ 4:30 in the art room
Friday - classroom parties(?)
Staff Celebration at Billie's house - Thanks in advance Billie:)

Week of January (gulp!) 4th:

Monday : Staff only
Tuesday: No RTI
1:30 Staff Development Library

Sound Systems
I've noticed in classrooms that we value having students learn from one another. One way we are doing that is by having students share their thinking. I've also noticed that it is sometimes really hard to hear them. Some of our sound systems need repair or you need batteries...or something. Please let Julie know if you need anything to get your sound systems back in working order. It is a huge difference for learners when they don't have to strain to listen. 

Have a great weekend!

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