Thursday, January 29, 2015

January 30th

February 2 - 6th:

Michelle's Crew Winter Voyage
Tuesday 3rd:
7:30 RTI meeting

Wednesday 4th:
CITE 6 Team Meeting (out of building in am)
The Beat
1:30 PD:
1:30 -2:00 Web Path Training Demonstration in library for those interested
 Personal Plan
4:00 Community Social - Rink at the Rocks

Thursday 5th:
Deborah out for admin meeting

February 9 - 13th:

4th grade on Winter Voyage
Ms. Lisa's Crew on Winter Voyage

Monday 9th:
Deborah out

Tuesday 10th:
 7:30 a.m. RTI meeting

Wednesday 11th:
The Beat
Debbie out
1:30 PD: Personal Plan

Thursday 12th:
Deborah out - elementary admin meeting

Friday 13th: 
No students
Professional Development Day:  
     *Morning presentation facilitated by Kenny and Lisa

Peek Into Classrooms...

How clever are these kids - one squirts soap into your hands -
the other holds a spray bottle for water -
only you think you need running water!
They worked together so smoothly - each understanding their roles and responsibilities.
These are our future leaders!

A pause to consider how far we've come...
These pictures feature Kathy's Crew, but they could be every Crew in our building.
Below is a picture of Ipads laying out on the table, labeled with student names - in their own handwriting. Remember when these would have been notebooks or giant, clunky three ring binders? Now, kids are not jumping up and down because there are Ipads in their classroom - they see them as a tool for learning -  not for games.
I'm picking on Kathy here because she wasn't so sure about whether digital tools and technology had a role in the education of a kindergartner. Today I caught her demonstrating how kids could make their own Educreation using the pictures they took with their Ipads locating common objects in their room that were rectangular prisms.
My, my but all of us have come a long way in the way we think about things, and thus, the learning experiences we are creating. How exciting is that!!!

Chelsea is still standing in this picture. I was going to check in on her at the end of the day. 

Way cool the way students were providing peer feedback - and good stuff too - as each student was committed (look at Cullen's face!) to learning the chords because they were so invested in being able to play and sing a song that mattered to them. As I watched, I could hear kids humming the song they were eventually going to master. It was like they kept singing it to themselves as a reminder - "yeah, this is why I'm gonna figure this out! I'm going to sing this really cool song, because I'm that good!"

It makes my heart sing that we continue to nurture the self expression of every child.

Ah yes, that personalized, explicit feedback that makes all the difference!

I met with this dynamic group of Ambassadors, and once again I heard a resounding response that they thrive with the opportunity to have a voice in creating this experience for our community. Not a single student has not agreed that they love doing this experience as multi-age group and value that they have made 'new friends'. They can talk so naturally and so organically about the collaboration and creativity they valued in this experience. They can also talk about having a new perspective about the role of the audience and how that new perspective will change their behavior. (I think there's a World Class Outcome there...)

Does it not just make your heart swell each week when you see them up there and the pride they have in what they've created? What are they learning about being risk takers? Every week I'm just in awe of what our young people are wiling to risk - a testimony to the safe culture and sense of belonging they have in the larger school community. We are doing it!

I don't have the pictures to share ( I have them on individual teacher Ipad note pages), but want to share that I see such amazing things happening! I see teachers taking huge risks to evaluate what they have been doing and make changes - to jump even though they aren't sure just how to do it. I see teachers showing and coaching each other and figuring it out together. I see learning stories in classrooms.  I see revision everywhere!

I hear people wondering about new approaches and making connections. I hear sharing. I hear kids receiving lots and lots of personalized feedback and conversations about purpose and why learning matters.

I see kids learning and growing. I see teachers learning and growing.
I see unity in purpose.

Have a spectacular weekend!


Thursday, January 15, 2015

January 16, 2015

Tomorrow, we will be spending the day going deeper with building common understandings around assessment. In order to move forward (with more clarity) we will spend some time unpacking what the expectations are from the district level as well as some time to apply our new learning. 
Today, at the elementary administrators meeting, our focus was evaluating teacher effectiveness in regard to assessment. I came home and tweaked the plan tomorrow so that I can share what I have learned. I also came home grappling once again with the feeling that we are trying to create a new vision with old ways. Ah...but how to live in the moment we find ourselves and move forward?

While it can feel like this assessment focus is being imposed on us from a state and district level, we have to own this. My hope for tomorrow is that we can all arrive with a growth mindset. Tick off the things that are imposed on us (chanting the serenity prayer) and then really grapple with bringing our own visions into play.

Shifting the focus of what is important to learn is a vision we all embrace. We all want kids engaged in learning that is relevant and meaningful and we all ultimately want to teach kids how to learn. 
It's an interesting philosophical struggle - should we evaluate learning? If we think we should evaluate - then should we just evaluate whether they are engaging in the learning itself? 
Grappling with assessment might be an opportunity to engage ourselves in a growth mindset - could we move beyond what we've always done and create something very different? I value the opportunity to push myself, what I've always done, what I've held as true - and wonder.

While I believe that the district vision is on the right track, much of the work we do tomorrow will feel like dragging what we've always done into the work we are doing now - could we wonder together what a whole new vision might be? Could we maybe dare to try?

January 19 - 23rd:
Monday: MLK - no school



Gear swap in gym after school 4 -5:30

Gear Swap in gym

January 26 - 30th:
Fifth grade departs for Winter Voyage

7:30 RTI meeting
Debbie out of the building for PLS meeting

Parent Orientation 8:00 a.m.
Discovery Parent Visitation 9:00 a.m.
PD: Personal Plan

Michelle's Crew out on field work to museum

Vision and Hearing Screening
CITE 6 team meeting in afternoon

Have a wonderful three day weekend!
