Wednesday, July 26, 2017

July 28, 2017

Remember when...

This is kindergarten! The days of summer couldn't pass fast enough for that first wonderful day when school would begin. The anticipation of the glorious first day of school was almost too much! The preparation of picking out a 'back to school outfit' and stepping into the unknown of a new world. I was finally going to be in school! I had longed to begin this wonderful experience of being a student in a school!

I still remember the dress I was wearing on that most important day. I still remember in detail the kindergarten classroom - the smell of it, the furniture, the desk that was 'mine', the pencils, the paint, the play kitchen and the smell when you opened the books.

I remember my teacher. She smiled at me. She laughed. She was so glad we were there. I'm not sure why, but I regarded her as different from the rest of the adult population. She was of a different variety - something more special - she belonged to me in some way.

So here we are. At the beginning of another glorious school year. I wonder, does it feel different for kids than for us?

I only ask one thing of you right now - to just take a minute to roll back time and think about yourself at the age of the students you teach. Can you find a picture of you at that age? What memories are elicited when you look at the picture? 

Who were your friends? What did you do? What did you like to wear, eat, sing? Where did you like to be? What games did you play? 

What were you feeling then? What did you need? What mattered to you? What made you nervous or scared? What opened you up and made you feel safe? 

Would you have wanted the 'grown up you', for a teacher? Why?
(and we're ALL teachers!)

Just take a minute to walk a mile in the shoes of those students you are about to meet for the first time. They'll be remembering you for a life time.


Week of August 1 - 4th:
*If you have not completed the mandatory trainings, please check this off your list before our time together. There are some additional trainings that have been added to the mandatory trainings required in the past.

Wednesday, August 2nd: 
New teachers to Renaissance in library at 9:00 a.m.

Thursday, August 3rd:
Professional Development at Stone Canyon:
  • Focus for the day: Adventure Education at Renaissance


    • Morning: (“student hat”) immersion into building crew and beginning of the year team building
    • Afternoon: (“teacher hat”)  roots and philosophy, unpacking facilitation, Renaissance Ad Ed curriculum, resources, planning
  • We want you to leave with:
    • A sense of belonging
    • A shared vision
    • Tools to use with your crew for the beginning of the year and to prepare for first voyage
  • Logistics: Bathroom, break, lunch, ?

Time: 8:30am start time - 4:00pm
Location: Stone Canyon Outdoor EdVentures (28 minutes from Renaissance)
12163 S Perry Park Rd, Larkspur, CO

If you want to ride one of our Renaissance buses and meet at school please be ready to leave the parking lot at 7:45 a.m.

-Camp chair
-Sack Lunch
-Water bottle
-Comfortable/outdoor clothing
-"Journey Toward the Caring Classroom" book, if you have one (see below for picture of this book) 
-Highlighter and pencil

This is the book to make it easier for you to identify it on your shelf!
I have ordered more for those of you who don't have them and hope they'll arrive in time!
 Everyone - PLEASE email Lisa, Kathy and myself to RSVP for this important day so we have an accurate count. Please also indicate whether you will be driving yourself or riding on the bus.
We need you to RSVP by Tuesday, August 1st.
Obviously teachers will be in attendance, but we sincerely hope that most of our classified Crew will be able to join us. We need everyone to RSVP.

Friday, August 4th:
Professional Development at Renaissance
AM: Whole staff including Instructional Assistants
* Mission and Vision- 'Why are we here'
* Clarification on operational items
* Nuts and Bolts of beginning the school year
* If there are some things you need information about, questions, concerns, etc. please email those to me so I can be sure to include them. There will be time when we are together for you to ask in the moment, as well.

PM: Time to work in your classroom
3:30 - Whole staff Closing Circle in the library

Week of August 7 - 11th:
Monday, August 7th:
Listening Conferences
Classified meeting 1:00 p.m in conference room

Tuesday, August 8th:
Listening Conferences

Wednesday, August 9th:
First Day of School
PM: 1:30 Professional Development in library

Thursday, August 10th:

Friday, August 11th:
Back to School Picnic 4:00

And because I strive to provide you with resources to make the challenges lighter, I am sharing these:

Okay...I was trying to be funny. The last one is actually quite good! Here's the link if you are interested.

Summer Fun!
(It's never too late to send me pictures!)

Jenny trying to push her daughter, Hayden, off the raft!

Lauren and Andy at their 'Gender Reveal' Party.
Pink and Blue!


Excited to see you all soon!