Thursday, August 18, 2016

August 19, 2016

I absolutely love to see the sharing that lives in our community. I see it when people run across a great idea, resource, inspiration, article, blog, podcast, Ted Talk...and send it out to others. Sometimes the sharing happens in conversation and sometimes in print. What a celebration that we work to inspire one another!

We just finished up our first shared experience with our school-wide writing assessment. The purpose keeps resonating with me: To use the expertise, the multiple perspectives, and experience that lives in our teaching community to learn from one another. The absolute best way to become better, is to do it together.

Thanks Pam, for sharing the following excerpt with me - I found it so inspiring!
Variations on a Blue Guitar: The Lincoln Center Institute Lectures on Aesthetic Education  highlighting the following:
"...I keep reminding people (myself, as well as some of you) that teachers have their own crafts, their own repertoires, their own modes of artistry, even though they cannot call themselves practicing artists. But, like the choreographers and directors and musicians and visual artists you work with here, you also have a life project, a way of being in the world through which and by means of which you define yourself as a person. That project is teaching, and if you are like me, it is a lifelong quest, a lifelong project. Like the artists, we are always in process, always exploring our texts, our raw materials, always seeking ways of reaching others and moving others to come alive, to think about their thinking, to create meanings, to transform their lived worlds..."


Our time together is precious, and it is an expectation that we review the evaluation process. To preserve our time together for collaboration and learning, I'm sharing the CITE evaluation guide here. Please read and review it and if you have questions please come see me and we can review it together.
When you have completed reviewing the guide and have all your questions answered, please click on the link for the acknowledgement form - and submit it. Central office is keeping track of this and we need to have it completed asap. Thanks!

CITE Evaluation Guide

Acknowledgement form - CITE process

Your next steps in the process that you need to complete:
# Log in to InspirEd and select your rubric (generalist)
#2: Complete the BOY (beginning of year) self-evaluation
#3: Create Goal for 2016-2017 school year -
 To streamline this process, the Leadership Team will construct a school-wide goal, write it so that it will be a SMART goal to meet the requirements of the goal setting process. We are meeting Friday, and will get this to you at the completion of our meeting so you can use it to complete your goal setting requirement.
*Important note: You can absolutely write your own goal, or tailor the goal we share with you, to better personalize it for your own next steps. When I meet with folks on our every 2 week cycles, we can look at your goals together.

*Reminder to complete your Moodles!!

August 22nd - 26th:
Lisa's Crew out on Voyage (Deborah driving so not in the building until afternoon)
Billie's Crew out on Voyage

MTSS Meeting 7:30 a.m.

2nd Grade Crews out on Voyage
PD: To Be Announced after the Leadership Team Mtg.

(Deborah driving return trip with students on Voyage. Not in building in the afternoon)

August 29 - September 2nd:
Brittany's 6th Grade Crew out on Voyage
Brittany's 5th Grade Crew out on Voyage - Kim taking them

1st Grade Crews out on Voyage
MTSS Meeting 7:30 a.m.

The Beat 9:15 a.m.
* Reminder - providing you have reviewed the norms and expectations of an audience, note the students who may need extra practice. Let Pam know if you will be sending students to the art room instead of The Beat, for the support. Likely, that won't happen until The Beat on September 14th.

PD: To Be Announced after the Leadership Team Mtg.

Deborah out of the building for PK12 meeting

Have a restful and fun weekend!

Thursday, August 4, 2016

August 5, 2016

Voices from the Past

What could be more inspiring as we make the passage into a new year, than the words from students we have touched?

The cairn was left by a former student - so perfect at so many levels -  a heap of stones piled up as a memorial and a landmark. Reveals so much of how the experience here at Renaissance shaped the young man who left it.

The visitor post - an unsolicited testimony of appreciation and gratitude for how her life has been enriched by her time at Renaissance.

Our students take the experiences, shaped over years, and are letting us know we do deliver on our mission. 

Nothing like a celebration to start our year off together.

...and the journey begins

Can I just say....Nooooo!

Welcome Melissa!
Melissa will be with us all year,
as she interns under Allison's guidance.

Welcome Sandy!
Sandy is our new Health Assistant,
and how wonderful to have Kristin
back while she trains Sandy.
(Kind of hope Sandy is a slow learner! Awfully nice to have them both!)

New procedures for our 'Cafe' up and running!

Welcome Morgan - Hanni's student teacher :)

Debriefing time outdoors.

Second day of school and Diana is training her volunteers!

I wasn't able to capture everyone in a photo this week - but I will!


August 8 - 12th:

Professional Development 1:30 p.m. : Grade Level Norming Meeting
All Staff Health Training 3:30 p.m. (location to be announced)

August 15 - 19th:

Expeditionary Learning National Conference Registration
Third Grade leaves for Voyage

MTSS Meeting 7:30 a.m.
REA Meeting 6:00 p.m.

The Beat 9:15 a.m.
Professional Development 1:30 p.m. - Score Writing Assessments

Deborah out of the building - Admin. Mtg.

Third Grade Day of Rest
Leadership Team Meeting 12:00 p.m.

What great energy we've created! You can feel it everywhere!

Have a great weekend!