Wednesday, April 30, 2014

May 2, 2014

 The first line in the description of the design principle of Service and Compassion says, "We are crew, not passengers."

It goes on to say, "Students and teachers are strengthened by acts of consequential service to others, and one of an Expeditionary Learning school's primary functions is to prepare students with the attitudes and skills to learn from and be of service."

When I talk with kids and ask them what 'We are Crew' means to them, some can speak to working in service of one another. Most tell me it means we are a team. Is that the same as service?  They view 'Crew' as something that lives within the walls of our school. Does 'Crew' have limits?

If we believe that one of our primary functions as a school, is to prepare students to be of service, do you think our actions, allocations of time, systems and priorities speak to that value?

In the whir of the end of year activity, I can't help but ponder where our next steps as a school should be. I always try to come back to our core values. I think we need to focus some time and energy and see if we can strengthen this design principle of Service.

 How are there opportunities within that focus of service to be creative, innovative, collaborative with students and serve? I wonder if each of us could be open to exploring how we can include service as a ritual we do on a regular basis and where the opportunities for natural integration of that service might be?  I wonder how students might share and speak to the power of service like they can about Adventure Education? I wonder if we expanded our thinking and released some constraints we've had about what service needs to look like, if that would allow us some fresh thinking. Maybe it doesn't have to be service 'learning'? Maybe it doesn't have to be a one time project but sprinkled throughout the year? Maybe  it is naturally integrated in other content learning? Maybe it's one way we teach 21st Century Skills? How can it be generated authentically?

 Dwell on service with me. Is it a value to you personally? Do you think it deserves our time and energy?  Dwell on how we can strengthen this core value as a school. Dwell on service in relationship to the influence you have.

I sincerely believe that when we dwell in possibility, we notice and run across people and ideas that can help influence, inspire and shape our thinking. Oh....the things we can do.

“I don't know what your destiny will be, but one thing I know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve.” 
― Albert Schweitzer


May 5 - May 9th:
* RTI meeting 7:30 a.m.

Music Concert: 9:00 a.m.
Third Grade Portfolio Presentations 1:30 - 4:00
Music Concert - Evening PerformanceThird Grade Portfolio Presentations 1:30 - 4:00

* Hearing and Vision re-screening 9:30 a.m.

Mother's Day Weekend (just in case you lose track of these things like I do!)

May 12 - 16th:

* RTI meeting 7:30 a.m.

* All School Meeting

Source of Inspiration:

(Thanks Pam!)

My retired art teacher friend, Teresa Brooks, writes a blog about her creative process. She is a wonderful writer and potter. She often quotes writers and their writing that inspires her. On her most current post, A Daily Act of Improvisation, I found this. 

"I write to make peace with the things I cannot control...
I write to discover. I write to uncover...
I write to meet my ghosts.
I write to begin a dialogue...
I write to honor beauty.
I write to correspond with friends.
I write as a daily act of improvisation.
I write because it creates my composure...
I write myself out of my nightmares 
and into my dreams...
I write to the questions that shatter my sleep.
I write to the answers that keep me complacent.
I write to remember.
I write to forget...

I write because it is the way I take long walks."

From Lisa
What Students Really Need to Hear

Have a great weekend!

* Mother - what a great inspiration for a living example of service, compassion and generosity.

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