Thursday, September 13, 2012

Sept. 13, 2012

So how are we doing with balance? 

I never mean to leave the creation of Friday Flash until Thursday evening, but darn if Thursday doesn't sneak up quickly! Spread out around me are remnants of things left undone from the day that need my attention tonight. I just returned from an hour at the gym and the tasks before me now don't seem so big, nor so tiring. Taking some time to do something that makes me feel good, clears my head and energizes me. And yet, I am still working through the struggle to make this time a priority. It's a challenge for me to make the transition between work and home. I'm so guilty of staying in work mode, just changing locations! 
I remember the first 'things I want to do or learn' list I created in the fall that I was twelve. Fall always seemed like the logical time for beginnings - must have been because that is when school started, and continues to be a time when I reflect, make changes, review goals and make plans.  
When I was twelve I wanted to learn to play the guitar. I searched out a teacher. Developed a contract with her - lessons in trade for my house cleaning services - and I learned to play the guitar. It's been years since I played, and now I want to put it back on my list.  Time marches on, opportunities pass, and regrets form. So...what goes so I can make time for this? 
Are you doing things that give you joy outside of school? If not, why not? What do you wish you could be doing? What can we all do to make sure that we schedule time for ourselves? Why is it so complicated to simplify? What things can we just let go and be content if they aren't as perfect as we could make them if we gave them that extra time - that extra time that we need for ourselves - our family and friends? Are we achieving balance?


September 17 -21:

Rebecca's Crew to Educo

RTI meeting 7:15 a.m.

Leadership Team meeting 11:00 a.m.
Professional Development: Vertical Teams/Technology

Bill's Crew Gateway Mesa Hike

September 24 - 28:

No student's - Professional Development: Restorative Practices

RTI meeting 7:15 a.m.
Bill's Crew Voyage to Educo
Kenny's Crew field work to Ice Core Lab a.m.

New Parent Orientation 8:00 a.m.
All School Meeting
PD Focus: Math Discussions in Primary and Intermediate Teams/Planning

Crew group pictures
Individual picture re-takes

Peek Into the Life of our School

Enduring Understanding:

A world class education is rigorous, relevant, modern, 

aligned and integrated.

Vampire Sneeze or Cough

Are we all reminding our students about
'Flick and Fold'?

See...she's still smiling!
Those are the 8 forms for field work Julie juggled this week in addition to four voyages!
Wonder Woman!

Intentional stomach time to build strong bodies and provide sensory integration for all students
in Hanni's room.
Integrated? Aligned?


Dana supports students, who need a little more, to be successful.

"Integrity" Bear in Ms. Mary Beth's Crew.
"Integrity" travels home with each student over the year.
Each child writes in the journal about their experience.
Writing with a purpose?
Relevant? Integrated? Meaningful? Builds belonging?

Fourth grade reading buddies in Jill's Crew, supporting readers and building community.
Integrated? Aligned? Relevant?

Writing buddies -
An authentic audience
Second graders from Ms. Hanni's Crew and
kindergartner's from Ms. Jody's Crew
How would you feel as the author?

Modern? Rigorous? Relevant?
Ask Bill about his results.

Critical Thinking routines didn't disappear with new initiatives -
Critical thinking is part of 21st Century Skills.
How are you planning for deep thinking?
Bill can tell you how to use these.

Some things are timeless.
Remember Chinese Jump Rope?
(notice the rope is knee height here...)
Kids will spend the next three weeks on jump rope skills. Doug has given the recess teachers some jump ropes to use.
Maybe you can integrate jump roping rhymes in reading or as a Morning Message?

Posted in Ms. Linda's Spanish classroom.
I continue to ask kids these questions every day!
What are they telling you?

Self-portrait by a first grader in Art.

Expert Speaker presents to 6th graders
 on glaciers and Bristlecone Pine Trees.
Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Deborah! :) I'm so happy you're blogging again this year--I really enjoy reading about what's going on at your school. Such great things! Your teachers are amazing--fantastic work! Can I come and visit soon? :)

