I think it's super important to acknowledge the challenges that come with this time of year...and then start laughing about them.
I recently read a book (thanks Tyler!) called Tribe. There were many things in this book that struck a chord with me, but for sure, the knowledge that when a group of people are going through a hard time, they actually are more fulfilled! The challenging time binds them together in purpose and deepens their sense of belonging. Ah, what a lovely, lovely way to reframe the stress we feel right now. These are the times that bind.
Katie sent me some awesome pictures
from Mr. Kenny and Mr. G's
Book Buddies
Words that can make our day
Every once in a while, I receive an email from one of our parents, out of the blue. Many of my colleagues shared that they received push-back from their communities when school was closed for the March at the Capitol. I received none. A few days later, I received this:
Hi Ms Deborah,
I've been thinking about the situation our schools are in, lacking funding and perhaps lacking morale, and leadership from our State's lawmakers.
I just wanted to send a short note to you, and let you know how much Jeff and I appreciate the care and diligence you and your staff use the school's resources, and especially the extra fundraising efforts you facilitate every year. Underfunding presents challenges to REMS, but your management of the budget and funding deserves respect and applause.
We love REMS--specifically the wonderfully talented and selfless educators who are an extension of our family. I am praying for God's blessings on the efforts of our teachers and lawmakers to find a strong, workable solution for the challenges we face.
Big hug to you!
Sid Fulton
Jenny captured a heartfelt moment during Student-led Conferences. This picture is worth a thousand words!
It's not uncommon to see Kelly Schumaker in our library - and you'll soon be seeing her add her touch to this space. Join me in welcoming Kelly to our Renaissance Crew. Kelly was hired this week as our school librarian!
Stole these photos from Kenny's Blog - Just got home from opening night of our musical... The air was full of joy and pride! Bravo Josh!
Mighty Melt Downs in May
Here's a great article about the phenomenon that seems to happen in May. Those kids who had big struggles at the beginning of the year, and then with our support have smoothed out and grown...and now suddenly are falling apart! What the heck...
Remember to have empathy for them, AND firm boundaries.
All kids will benefit from even firmer boundaries this time of year. This is not the time of year to relax and start allowing behaviors you wouldn't have tolerated any other time. High expectations...and defined boundaries...all the way to the finish line!
May 14 -18th:
Tuesday, 15th:
MTSS 7:30 a.m.
Mr. Kenny's Crew Service Learning 9 - 11 a.m.
Wednesday, 16th:
The Beat
Professional Development:
Conferences/EPR work time
Benefits Questions & Answers 1:30 - 2:30 lounge
Friday, 18th:
Droid Trail Mix - Staff Appreciation
May 21 - 25th:
Monday, 21st:
Ms. Dana's Crew fieldwork 9 - 12:30 : Castlewood Canyon
Tuesday, 22nd:
MTSS 7:30 a.m.
Ms. Lisa's Crew Service Learning 9 - 11 a.m.
Wednesday, 23rd:
Kindergarten Voyage to Camp Elim
Professional Development:
Third Grade Showcase Celebrations
Friday, 25th:
Padawan Breakfast Burritos - Staff Appreciation
Ms. Gina's Crew fieldwork 9 - 12:30 : Castlewood Canyon
Have an awesome weekend!
And to all of you who are Mother's...
the greatest thing
and the hardest thing