Thursday, January 18, 2018

January 19, 2018

A Bright New Year

Discover how well you're seeing students and letting them know they're seen by using this exercise devised by educator and author Donald Graves.
  1. Divide a piece of paper into three columns.
  2. In the 1st column, quickly write the names of your students in the order in which they come to mind.
  3. In 2nd column, write one thing you know about each student that doesn't have anything to do with school.
  4. In the 3rd column, put a check if you're sure the student knows you know this fact.
When your 3rd column doesn't have a check, look for moments you can comment on or ask questions about the things you know are important to that student.


January 22 - 26:
Fifth Grade Winter Voyage 
Discovery 6th Grade Winter Voyage

* MTSS meeting 7:30 a.m.

* The Beat
* Professional Development: Personal Planning

* Deborah out of the building

January 29 - February 2nd:
Fourth Grade Winter Voyage
Kenny's 6th Grade Winter Voyage
* Deborah out of the building Monday
*  No MTSS meeting - Sped Team mtg.

* Professional Development: Personal planning

Have a great weekend!

Friday, January 5, 2018

January 5, 2018

Happy New Year!

Here in Lake George, we are probably the only area in Colorado that didn't get a flake of snow over the break. I love snow - and lots of it - so this was hard for me. I think it was a very valuable lesson for me in learning to accept what is. (My husband will vouch that this took me awhile! Ha!)

I have been having fits with our internet connection all through the break. While it has been wildly frustrating at times, it's been a wonderful blessing. And perhaps yet another opportunity for me to learn to accept things the way they are.

I received a wonderful book for Christmas that supported me in some quiet reflection time.  "The Wisdom of Sundays - Life Changing Insights from Super Soul Conversations" compiled by Oprah Winfrey from her Super Soul Sundays series. I also immensely enjoyed listening to podcasts. 

Gretchen Rubin had a wonderful podcast titled '18 for 2018'. She posed the idea of writing down 18 things you want to do in 2018. These are not the traditional resolutions like stop doing something - rather, the emphasis is on what you would like to include in this New Year for yourself. It was easy for me to identify 18 things and I'm excited about my 'list'. You might want to try it! If you do, I'd love to know what you are looking forward to doing for yourself this year!

Intention is my power word for this New Year. 

Alas, I am struggling with the internet this morning and so that means a very brief Friday Flash. Pictures are especially challenging when the internet is so slow - so no pictures!

I look forward to seeing each of you on Monday and am anxious to hear what you did over your break! Kind of nice to have a three day week with kids coming off the break!

January 8 - 12th:
* No Students
* Gather in Library for brief welcome back at 8:30 a.m.
* Rock Art for Doug during the day
* Acknowledgement Circle for Doug at 3:30 p.m.
* No MTSS meeting
* REA meeting 4:30 p.m.

* Professional Development: Med training update for Winter Voyages
* New Parent Orientation 5:30 p.m.

* No students - Professional Development day devoted to planning for Learning Expeditions.
* Gather in library at 8:30 a.m.

January 15 - 19th:
* No School
* MTSS meeting 7:30 a.m.
* The Beat 9:00 ish
* Deborah possibly out of the building for regional meeting
* RSS 6th grade meeting 4:15 p.m.

* Love and Logic Seminar 8 - 4 p.m. in Golden

Enjoy your last few days of unstructured time!

"All of us are seeking the same thing. We share the desire to fulfill the highest, truest expression of ourselves as human beings."
-Oprah Winfrey