Professional Development: Looking Ahead
The Building Leadership Team met last week and mapped out the focus for our professional development for the rest of the year. Of course, our best case scenario....
Many focus areas were discussed and it was decided to stay the course with where we started and keep a tight, narrow focus. We will continue with our focus on writing and differentiation strategies.
Just a brief reminder...
The grand purpose for meeting to analyze writing/learn teaching strategies is for you and your colleagues to talk and think about student work and about your shared expectations for that work, doing this in ways that bring you together into a community of common practice. Shared assessment systems have amazing potential for distributing different teacher areas of expertise so that more people know what those individual teachers know.
But... a shared rubric doesn't amount to a shared assessment system. The key is using that rubric (and other tools) to promote conversations about students' progress and about ways to support that progress.
Here's the plan:
February 1st: Writing sample analysis with level groups & sharing of strategies for sharing student progress
February 8: Activate prior learning/ choose groups and begin application of a differentiation strategy
February 15: Application of differentiation strategy
February 17th : All day
February 22: Personal Plan time
March 1: Keith- Collaborative Problem Solving (Artist Edition afterwards)
March 8: Application of a differentiation strategy
March 15: Writing analysis with level groups
Spring Break
April 5: PARCC Training for Teachers
April 12: Personal planning (week of PARCC)
April 19: Personal planning (week of CMAS)
(April 24th, 25th are the designated days to administer the school-wide Writing Assessment)
April 26: End of year student writing - School wide assessment (Looking at the results of the school-wide writing assessment in level teams)
May 3: Student-Led Conference time
May 10: Showcase Celebrations 3rd Grade
May 17: Report Card prep time
May 24: Showcase Celebrations 6th Grade
May 31:
June 1st: Last day of school
Week of January 30th:
Lisa's Crew out on Winter Voyage
Monday - Debbie out
Tuesday -
MTSS 7:30 a.m.
4th Grade out on field work/Deborah out with them
PD: 1:30 p.m.
* Writing sample analysis by level
* Strategies for sharing student progress
Deborah out at admin. meeting
Week of February 6th:
4th Grade Crews out on Winter Voyage
Brittany's Crew out on Winter Voyage
Parent Orientation 8:00 a.m.
(includes perspective Discovery parents)
MTSS meeting 7:30 a.m.
The Beat 9:00 a.m.
PD: 1:30
* Activate prior learning of differentiation strategies/choose groups and begin application of differentiation strategy
Deborah out admin. mtg.
Debbie out
Have a wonderful weekend!