Thursday, April 30, 2015

May 1, 2015

Inspiring thoughts....

This is the quote Pam read to us.

More from Steve Jobs....

“My model for business is The Beatles. They were four guys who kept each other’s kind of negative tendencies in check. They balanced each other and the total was greater than the sum of the parts. That’s how I see business: great things in business are never done by one person, they’re done by a team of people.”

“You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.”

Read more:

Here's the link to the google doc to keep our conversation going and growing until Wednesday when we can resume our collaboration:


May 4 -8th:

Suzi's Crew out on field work

Staff Appreciation Tuesday
RTI 7:30 a.m.

No Beat - Page to Stage Presentation 9:30 a.m.
CITE 6 Team meeting 8:30 a.m.
PD: 1:30 DLMC - same as last week - all interested staff invited - continuation of our mission and vision exploration

Deborah out for admin meeting

Band and Orchestra Concert 1:45 - 2:30 p.m.

May 11- 15th:

District Art Award Ceremony 6:00 p.m.

Staff Appreciation Tuesday
RTI meeting 7:30 a.m.

The Beat
PD: Third Grade Portfolio Showcases

Deborah out in afternoon for elementary admin meeting

iReady: Are you ready? 

It's important that you complete end of year testing with iReady. We need that data for you to upload into CITE 6. Remember, you will have a member of the CITE 6 team sit with you to do this. But you need the data! IF you haven't already done your end of the year assessment - do it soon. I am also inviting Carolyn Burtner back to help us interpret the data.

Rosetta Stone

We need to have a brief conversation on Wednesday afternoon about Rosetta Stone and next year. We will need to decide what grade levels will be using it. We need to decide what our implementation will look like for next year. Think about it now and come prepared to weigh in.

Rockies Tickets
I have 8 Rockies tickets for Tuesday, May 5th at 6:40 p.m. If you are interested, please let me know by this Friday at noon. If we have more than 8 interested people, I'll draw names.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, April 16, 2015

April 17, 2015

As I passed through Chelsea's classroom I saw this music resource sitting out.
It made me smile and happy inside.
Why? Because it's just another way we give students the opportunity to explore their passions and the process of their own personal self-discovery of who they are becoming as people.
It's a sign that we don't live in a box about what instruction could be for elementary students.

Then I found out that Wendy brought this resource in. 
Who knew Wendy was a 'metal head'?
Wendy and Haven share a passion for Metallica.
Wendy works in first grade and Haven is in sixth grade...
so how does she know?
Ultimately, this is what makes my heart sing.
 A community that knows no boundaries 
of sharing, connecting and caring.

Thanks Wendy - you inspire me!


Week of April 20th
* Suggested week to do iReady
Third Grade out on Winter Voyage

Tuesday- RTI meeting 7:30 a.m.
Wednesday- PD - personal choice (plans, student reports)
Thursday- Debbie Out- READ Act meeting
Deborah out - PD session w/select staff

Friday- NO SCHOOL 
District Art Show begins

Week of April 27th:
2nd round of PARCC
Library closed

Tuesday: RTI meeting 7:30 a.m. 

PD: 'Think Tank' - all staff/library 1:30

Jill's first grade Voyage

Dates for end of year planning:
Wednesday schedules for the rest of the year:
May 6: TBD (might be a continuation of our 'Think Tank' on the 29th)
May 13th: 3rd Grade Portfolio Showcases
May 20th: 6th Grade Portfolio Review
May 27th: 6th Grade Portfolio Showcases
*Implication for you - if you need a Wednesday afternoon for report cards, it needs to be Wednesday, April 22nd.

Last week of school:
Tuesday evening, June 2nd: 6th Grade Closing Ceremony 6:30-8:00
Wednesday morning: All School Drum Circle - Last day of school

End of Year Report Card for Parents:

** The Leadership Team is working on having more direction for you on what our end of year report card criteria might be. In the meantime, use the template created to mark student growth and achievement and we will communicate with you soon about the personal comments.

Think Tank
Wednesday, April 29th, we are going to gather together as a staff to engage in a philosophical conversation to set our direction for the coming year. In preparation, do some personal thinking about the needs you have professionally and your thoughts about where we need to grow as a school. We have a team attending the DSchool this summer and their mission will be to solve a problem in an innovative way and to bring their ideas and discoveries back to our collective group. It will be important for them to embark in that undertaking knowing our thinking and the direction we want to head. They'll also want to be solving an authentic problem that we identify together. Personally, each of you might be engaging in some professional development over the summer and it would be helpful to each of you to know how your personal work can fit in the vision of the larger vision of the school. 

To support you in thinking prior to our Think Tank, I am sharing the thinking of the Leadership Team from our last meeting. To spark our thinking we used some questions to guide our thinking about our professional development and next steps for our school. Reading over them might spark your thinking. You might agree, you might have other ideas, you might be able to build on the ideas. After the Leadership Team engaged in this brainstorm, we agreed that we needed to do this as an entire staff. Below are the notes from our meeting. As you read them over, jot down your thoughts so that we can move easily into our shared inquiry of next steps for our school.

  • What are some predictions we are making? (about our needs professionally to grow)
Design Thinking
Reading Recovery -shared learning experience
Vertical Alignment
Math approaches = similar structure as RR training
Team Teaching - SPED/Literacy specialists with classroom teacher
New Team Planning - curriculum development
Classroom Management
Love and Logic
4 C’s/21st Century Skills

  • With what assumptions are we entering?
That new teams won’t need additional time to create new curriculum?
That everyone understands and can backward plan. That we all are integrating? That we teach/assess the 4C’s and 21st Century Skills - okay - maybe we shouldn’t have made this assumption -

  • What are some possibilities for learning?
Design Thinking - mindset shifts - solving some problems. Differentiation seems to be the big idea - the others fit together -
Design Thinking = RR training=Team Teaching

  • What seems to be surprising or unexpected?
How integrated it all really is. Maybe we need to think of it that way. That nobody talked about assessment - it’s inherent....
We don’t have anything that is data driven? This is all about teaching to learn - process and strategies

  • What are some patterns, categories or trends that are emerging?
Differentiation, integration, collaboration, problem solving - not looking for a model - we want to figure it out.

  • What are some things we have not yet explored?
Team Teaching / our space/ schedules / sharing students/ more student choice to follow passion learning

Student Data?

  • What inferences/explanations/conclusions might we draw?
That next year will be an exciting platform for us to play and perform. Going beyond the minutia - it’s exciting!  It’s transforming.  A staff with a growth mindset. Evidence of the necessary paradigm shift.

  • All of these promote problem solving and strategies
  • All of these increase student engagement and ownership
  • We wonder how the increased ownership might impact state assessments/test scores?
  • What additional data sources might we explore to verify our conclusions of the data in the doc?

* If time, it would be valuable to also have a shared discussion about Rosetta Stone and iReady.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Saturday, April 4, 2015

April 4, 2015

What an incredible spring break - we were treated to some spectacular weather!  I look forward to hearing how you all spent your time.

We meet together on Monday in the library at 8:30 for the Mindset book discussion and to reconnect. 

The rest of the day is yours to use to get your head back in the game:)

April 6 - 10:

RTI meeting 7:30 a.m.
Debbie out to READ Act meeting

PD: Personal and team planning

Week of April 13th:
Kenny's Crew out on Voyage
CMAS testing for 4th and 5th grades
Tests will take place on M, T, TH, between 9-11 and 1:30 -3:30
Thursday - Deborah out to admin meeting

* Thinking of Jill who is supporting her father. Jill's father will be undergoing a triple bypass on Monday.

Have a joyous Easter and enjoy your last two days!