Thursday, December 18, 2014

December 19, 2014

Twenty plus years of experience in education and somehow I still approach this last week of the year with the expectation that we'll have those cozy, calm moments together that come with the season.
Reality is fraught with last minute deadlines and stress. Then bam...everyone is gone for two weeks and I feel like I'm standing in a daze going...wait a minute...there was so much I wanted to say; to express how much I care and send well wishes. Now I'm left with what feels lame - words that can't really convey how much I care and how much I wanted to hear what you will be doing and looking forward to over the coming weeks.

I'll be thinking of you - sending those warm and caring thoughts your way.

I would be so thrilled to learn when we return, that you spent every minute of every day doing this: Leaving thoughts of school behind and balancing your life by giving 100 percent of your attention, love and energy to those you love (and to yourself). The work will always be here.

See you in the New Year!

P.S. Josie - thank you in advance for hosting our staff get together! In case I forget to tell you - I had a wonderful time (aka - Pretty Woman).

For those of you who need a sneak peek of January.... otherwise, I'll send out a blog post before you return! Now...go play!

January 5 - 9th:

Monday: No Students
8:30 Gather in the library - reconnect
3:30: Appreciation Circle for Lisa

Cody rotates to classrooms for team building

1:30 PD meet in library

Cody rotates to classrooms
Deborah out to PK12 Admin. Meeting

Deborah out for funeral

January 12 - 13th:

Debbie out in afternoon for assessment training

RTI meeting 7:30 a.m.

Carolyn Burtner will rotate to each teacher/team during your plan time to look at iReady data (day one)
Deborah out - Elementary Principals meeting

Carolyn Burtner returns for day two: Looking at intervention data