Thursday, May 30, 2013

May 31, 2013

What I Know For Sure

Ah, the last week of school. What a special week it will be with rituals that ground us in who we are and how special our school is to all of us. Certainly the Portfolio Showcases were a demonstration for us in how incredible the learning experiences are that we create. Student after student talked with pride about the culture of our school and how much they value it. We felt renewed in purpose and commitment. Boy that felt good! From the hearts and voices of our students it was easy to reconnect with our core values. Bless them for they always bring us back to what matters most. Together, we make a difference in the lives of our students. We touch each of them, just as they touch us. Together we have created a safe, nurturing, and inspiring learning environment.

Several years ago I was trying to figure out how we could know for sure that the vision, purpose and ownership had been created. The most authentic and obvious answer was to ask the kids. During both the third and sixth grade portfolio presentations, and a plethora of other opportunities, the kids speak to what it means to be Crew; they speak of how they have been challenged and grown; they speak of what they know about themselves as learners; they speak in detail to the culture of our school and how much they value that; and they speak with pride. Our departing sixth graders speak of how much they are going to miss this special place. Each of us have stories to tell with heartfelt passion about inspiring moments with our kids. We are exceptional - this I know for sure.


June 3 - 7th:

* 6th grade to St. Mary's Glacier
* Discovery 2/3 & 4/5 hike

* 4th grade hike
* Sixth Grade Closing Ceremony 6:30 p.m. (Come if you can)

Wednesday: Last Day of School for students
* All School Drum Circle led by 6th grade (Can't wait!)
* Kona Ice - consult the schedule 
* Report Cards go home with students (hold report cards in office for those students who are on the list who have outstanding fees)
* Drums do not go home with returning students (you may see a few going out with those leaving and not returning which becomes confusing for kids who are staying next year)
* Closing Circle @ 3:00 p.m.

* Gather in library at 8:30
* Move classrooms
* Closing down your classroom and checking out
* Skip to your car

Guess who's staying at Renaissance?

That's right - our very own alligator wrestler is staying on
 to be our social worker next year!
He will continue to play Texas Hold 'em
and serve cookies to kids!!!

A table full of portfolios - authentic, purposeful demonstrations of learning.

Reviewing portfolios

Impressive that the kids revised from the feedback they were provided.

Thanks for the leadership you each provided on the panel you led.

Balancing work with play :)

Some of us just had to try that Ga-Ga Ball!

Thanks Kenny for leading your Crew in creating
this new place to play! And we know how important play is for all of us!
Our entire community is loving it!

Sharing good times together

Thanks Noreene for hosting a wonderful time!

Inspiring role models

Nothing better for us than exercise and the great outdoors!

Add in a bit of challenge...

and have lots of fun!

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

May 24, 2013

Finish Strong

Thanks Doug for reminding us all during All School Meeting that while we have a few weeks of school left we don't want to ease up - we want to finish strong!

And how perfect - Alex Frary said it best in his Adventure Education reflection in his portfolio. Don't you love how he stepped out of the normal reflection format and was creative with the way he expresses his learning! Notice how he uses font to give his reflection voice.
(if you click on the poem it will get larger)

Voyage Reflection
6th Grade

We are currently living in one phase of our work and working hard daily for a strong finish. In addition,we are also looking forward and putting structures and plans together so we can have a strong start to a new school year when we return from a rejuvenating summer break.

One of those structures is the formation of a new Leadership Team. Noreene, Elisha, Jill, Pam and Julie will remain on the team for continuity. Hanni, Brittany, Kenny and Neil join the team. Each of these team members represents unique perspectives of our staff. We have representation for primary and intermediate levels; Discovery; Integrated Arts; Classified staff; and new teachers. These folks will also be our representation on district level committees. Information will be shared from the district level and it will be the role of these team players to make decisions about what initiatives fit our needs and how we will make plans for implementation. When you have concerns, ideas, suggestions, and input please seek out one of these folks to share your thinking so they can bring your thinking to the team.
The Leadership Team met for the first time Wednesday afternoon. Our agenda included:
* End of year plans
* Technology order
* Financial needs for the 13-14 school year
* Plans for the first days of school
* Enhancements to ASM and incorporating Service Learning into our Wednesday structure

Renaissance Educational Alliance (REA) is also undergoing some changes. There is new leadership on this team as well. Krista Zizzo has embraced the role of president, with Amy Stuart as Vice-President, Carrie Hinton as secretary, and Brian Barr remains on the board as treasurer. We've had a few meetings  to develop a stronger structure and have some improvements underway. We have several more meetings planned so that we have a stronger start to the new school year.
Included in REA will be the addition of a marketing group. The marketing group will have several areas of focus. The outcome of this group is to promote our school. In addition, to be able to take the work we already do and see if there are some nationally recognized awards that we could receive for our work. Ryan Stuart is chairing this committee.
Would any of you like to take an active role in this group? If so, come visit with me and I can tell you more about the vision of this group. When it comes to marketing our school it will be essential to have some knowledgeable staff people involved. I'm sure it's easy to conclude why this is important.

Our School Accountability Committee (SAC) has voted and has a few new voting members as others rolled off their term. Kerry Trietley remains the SAC President, Keith Harman is VP, Amy Stuart is new to the board and will be secretary, Jan McDonald is our community rep, and Krista Zizzo is REA rep. MarySue has served as our teacher representative and we need a teacher representative to replace her. Please let me know (soon) if you are interested in serving on SAC. You would be making the commitment to attend four meetings (Sept. 10, Nov. 12, Feb. 11, April 15) from 5:30 until 7ish. Your role would be the voice of our teaching staff and a voting member on this board that serves as an advisory board to the principal.

We are making a shift in how we will collect all that paperwork for Voyages. Julie will be preparing the packets of paperwork that parents need to complete for students to attend Voyages and giving them to you. They need to go home with students. Here is what looks different:

* Students/parents will return them to the front office - not to you.
* This paperwork is due BEFORE the end of school. If it is not returned, we will hold report cards. (We'll need your help communicating this important message to families)
* We will let you know which report cards need to be held back.
* Did you notice this is actually easier for you?
* We need to make this shift because we simply do not have adequate time at the beginning of the year to manage this huge task.

Enhancements to All School Meeting is a bit too complex to clearly describe here. But the gist is to consider how we might mix the kids up (matching with an older buddy) at All School Meeting and to add a structure of a service component, that follows ASM each time, where students will be assigned to a service group for 30 to 45 minutes. Small groups of multi-age students would have service projects throughout the school during that time, and each group would have an adult facilitator. Everyone - students and staff will all be involved in service of our school at that time. Some service projects would last longer than others. Again - a complex idea that's tough to really explain here. The purpose of bringing it up is to see if any of you are interested in working on a task group to put the details and plans together for next year along with me. We wouldn't implement this immediately when school starts up (whew).
I'm thinking the task group would meet for the first time on Monday afternoon, July 29th, and there would be a stipend of $50 for that half day. Let me know if you get excited by this idea and would like to be apart of the development of the plan. :)

So what do the last days of school look like for teachers?
* Wednesday afternoon we will gather together in the library at 2:30 to honor those staff members who won't be with us next year. I'll be emailing you the details.
* Thursday morning we will gather in the library for a few minutes so I can give an information update on new hires, etc. then we will undertake assisting folks in moving classrooms, moving out and moving in! The rest of the day will be yours for cleaning up and checking out.

Fish - Do any of you have a passion for fish so that MarySue can hand over this responsibility as she leaves us? (This is a potential service job but would need an adult lead...)

Of course there's more to share....there's always more! However - enough for now!


May 27th - 31st:

* No School

* RTI to review student assignments
* Lost Coffee for staff  7:45 a.m.

* Page to Stage  9:00 - 10:00 a.m.
* 6th Grade Portfolio Showcase Presentations 1:30 p.m.

June 3 - 7th:

* Sixth Grade Closing Ceremony 6:30 p.m.

Wednesday: Last Day of School for students
* All School Drum Circle led by 6th grade
* Kona Ice - see schedule
* Report Cards go home with students (hold report cards in office for those students who are on the list who have outstanding fees)
* Drums do not go home 

Report Cards:
A reminder that you need to make TWO copies of both your report and IA report. One copy goes home to parents and one copy needs to be filed in their cum file.
Only on  the copy being sent home, will you need to hand write the teacher assignment for next year.

Peek Into Classrooms

Kindies prepare to leave for Camp Elim

Parents everywhere...who was experiencing the challenge?

Gear everywhere

Look what is on the gear list!
(That's a stuffed cow)

On the bus - Doug was driving

On the bus - Julie was driving

All School Meeting drummers

Providing the little extra for a student who needs it so much.
This is Madeline Frary in the lap of MaryBeth.
  I use a quote from Maddie, that I stole from her brother's portfolio,
 at the close of this weeks blog post.

Amazing how the kids remembered all the wellness challenges!

Ga-Ga Ball pit - exciting service learning addition to our 
Outdoor Learning Environment

Enjoy your Memorial Day Weekend!!

"Your Crew is like your daytime family"
Madeline Frary

Thursday, May 16, 2013

May 17, 2013

Feels good to celebrate

Fabulous Four
Celebrating the success of supporting their learners!

I'm still living on the high of the presentation of our third grade students on Wednesday afternoon. What a celebration to hear our students talk about themselves as learners - each so unique and special. I am so proud of how we cradle the budding self-expression of each of our students and rejoice in the growth we see. I felt humbled by their honesty and vulnerability in talking about themselves. 

It was clear that our students are building a growth mindset. Students could easily articulate their areas of strength, where they had grown and what they wanted to improve on.

What resonated the loudest, was the pride and commitment our students have for the culture of their school. They could articulate their need to belong and participate in both their classroom community and the bigger community of our school. Not only could they speak to the rituals, they could talk deeply about the purpose and how those rituals ultimately have created this special place.


May 20- 24th:

* RTI meeting 7:15 a.m.
* Lost Coffee for staff  7:45 a.m.

* Kindergarten leaves for Camp Elim
* 6th grade Portfolio Review

May 27th - 31st:

* No School

* No RTI
* Lost Coffee for staff  7:45 a.m.

* Page to Stage  9:00 - 10:00 a.m.
* 6th Grade Portfolio Showcase Presentations 1:30 p.m.

June 3 - 7th:

* Sixth Grade Closing Ceremony 6:30 p.m.

Wednesday: Last Day of School for students
* All School Drum Circle led by 6th grade
* Kona Ice - see schedule
* Report Cards go home with students (hold report cards in office for those students who are on the list who have outstanding fees)
* Drums do not go home 

Teacher Work Day
Staff Closing Circle 3:00 p.m.

* Staff Backpacking Trip begins

Peek Into Classrooms

Guided writing instruction using Every Child a Writer

Learning Target

Authentic assessment and immediate feedback -

Transfer of learning...
Look at the Teacher Appreciation card Lauren received from her student -
this is the best, most authentic evidence of taking on the learning
 from direct instruction to authentic purpose and application for a student.
So sweet and funny!

Math instruction

'Market Day' in Rebecca's Crew

The Power of Feedback
- Third Grade students anxious to read their letter from the portfolio panelists.


Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

May 10, 2013

Daring Greatly

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better.
The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly...
who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly.
-Theodore Roosevelt

I'm reading a new book, having been recently inspired after watching the author, Brene Brown, on Ted Talks. The book is Daring Greatly based on research dispelling the myth that vulnerability is a weakness and argues that it is our most accurate measure of courage. She explains that when we shut ourselves off from vulnerability, we distance ourselves from the experiences that bring purpose and meaning to our lives. I love it when a book crosses my path that supports me in a time I need it most. 
I share the quote because it really resonated with me and our work in education right now, both at a district and national level. We are all in that arena, striving valiantly, and daring greatly. 

More to share....

Last Wednesday the Leadership Team was invited to a forum to listen to Dr. Yong Zhao, author of World Class Learners. His message is aligned with our vision for creating learners for the future. Zhao says that to succeed in the global economy, students need to think like entrepreneurs. He has ideas for how to cultivate independent thinkers. There are more videos on Youtube if you enjoy this one. After listening to Yong Zhao present, we certainly were energized and we want to share his message with you!

Dr. Yong Zhao Teacher Forum


Another Youtube video worth a peek...

Derek Sivers: How to start a movement

(thanks for sharing this Lisa!)

All those end of year details....
* Please start creating lists at your grade level for assigning students to classes for next year. Then, come share them with me. When we have a final list, you can write next year's teacher on the report cards.
* Report cards will go home with students on the last day of school. The office will create a list of students who have outstanding fees and we will ask you to bring those reports to the office. Parents can get the report cards from the office when they come in to pay their fees. Please direct parents to the office.
* Parents unhappy with class assignments or with questions should be directed to me.
* I will provide you with an end of year check-out list soon. You will need to be signed off on this the last teacher work day.
* If you are planning a Crew get together that last week of school the office needs to know your plans.


May 13 - 17:


* MaryBeth's winter voyage rescheduled again!

* Brittany's Crew hike


* RTI 7:15 a.m.


* All School Meeting

* 3rd Grade Portfolio Showcase 1:30 p.m.

* Kindergarten field work to landfill

May 20- 24th:

* RTI meeting 7:15 a.m.
* Lost Coffee for staff  7:45 a.m.

* Kindergarten leaves for Camp Elim
* 6th grade Portfolio Review

Leadership Team -
Decision making time and new roles and responsibilities for team members

The district is asking us to identify a teacher from every building who would participate at a district level for training and collaboration in each of the following categories:
* Curriculum & Instructional Leader (CIL)
* Quality Assessment Leader (QAL)
* Data Analysis Leader (DAL)
* Digital Age Teaching & Learning Leader (DATLL)
* Change Agents (must be administrator and BRT)

This isn't new - we did this last year. What's different - they changed the names and hence, the acronyms! I'm putting it out there to see if anyone has an interest in one of these roles/responsibility. 
The 'vision' is that this teacher will attend a monthly training meeting at the district level (includes a stipend).
It would be important to have either a strong interest in the area or a budding expertise and you will have an important role in supporting colleagues to have deeper understandings and assist in implementation at a school level.

It makes sense that those folks involved in these leadership positions also have a role on our school Leadership Team. We need a few members of our school Leadership Team to remain, so that we have capacity to continue the momentum we created this year. Both Bill and MarySue will be leaving the team, so we will need at least two new members to the Leadership Team.

If you are interested in a leadership role in one of these district teams and serving on the school Leadership Team next year, please let me know. 

Outdoor Learning Environment Workday

Thanks Lauren and MarySue for your leadership!

Peek Into Classrooms

Ms. Linda's students filming their tour of our building -
note the Spanish!

First Graders exploring dirt

Sixth grade exploring sound waves...

Sixth graders exploring algebra with manipulatives
through a new math resource program

Third graders completing DRA assessments

Teacher Appreciation
Week One - Decorated Doors
We have some creative and
appreciative parents!

Have a great weekend!