Thursday, February 21, 2013

February 22, 2013

 we don't just think outside the box.

We think outside, period.

Inside the snow cave

This is Cody 'tucking in' a group that opted to sleep outside, underneath the stars.

Winter Voyage Reflection Excerpts - 2013
(in draft form)

The trail, my head looking down at it hoping it would just end, so that it would come to a close or that it would guide me back to where I want it to be...Home. This is what I was going to think before I changed, before I was someone else. You see, I was afraid, I was scared, I was frustrated but NO! I choose to use no. My mother taught me that if you tell yourself all these things you would be miserable, but in your power mentally and physically Say NO! When I was homesick I would say no i won’t do it and it went away in a snap.This is what changed me, all of those miserable thoughts gone, gone for existence. This taught me to never be afraid of taking the next step, to take that leap of faith that will lead you to a new person. For Example, being “Too Tired” for snowshoeing up montgomery pass while being in a 24 hour cold. I overcame that the time at lake agnes. My class hiked for Six miles and I lead the way for two. I was proud of myself and so were my parents. My goal on this voyage was to complete this Quest and Go farther, to go from my nervous zone to freakishly awesome zone. One thing that I learned about myself is to never underestimate the beauty of the world, to always look up. to never hide in the shadows and come into the beauty of the world, the smell of the flowers growing and singing almost beside you, the power of the sun shining on my body, each ray of light flowing through my viens and making me who I am. I pushed myself at lake agnes when I led the crew up the glorius mountain. I felt like someone who I am not, I went from slow huffy puffy breathing colin to fast pace awesome colin. after the six miles that we hiked that day

Going up to Lake Agnese,10,666 feet in elevation.This was our third day, I knew I could do it, but there was an extreme physical pain in my heart.Every breath sent a shiver down my spine, although I was sweating like there was no tomorrow.The whole thing was making me freak,  the wind stinging my face, the over heation of my core, the tips of my fingers, I could not feel, the worst part was my numbed heart whenever I breathed in my ragged breath.

Why did I feel so warm? Was I going into hypothermia? I was losing grip, but I won’t let it show.

Step, step, step was all I was thinking. I stopped for a second thinking that maybe this was not worth it, maybe I should wait at the bottom of this steep, steep hill. I realized that I was holding up the line so I kept moving.

The cold bit at my toes and fingers i was horribly cold and frustrated i just want to be taken home or at least somewhere where sun can fall on the landscape and heat my body. I want to fall down but i know that if I give in to the exaustion then ill lose body heat that i cannot regain again each step feels like a small one in the snow shoes. I tell myself that if i can just make it one more step i can make it to that undescribeable goal to see the mountains and to see lake agnes. If i make it it will be a lifetime experiance that i can relive over and over again. It feels like every step i take is bringing me backward but now i can see it the top hill the last step in my journey, but my asthma kicks down the door to my lungs and i can not breath but i am 15 steps from the top and i can’t see molly she is carrying my inhaler  the  defenders of my lungs  i can see her now at the front of the line i need to push before i can reach her.

            The top is so close, but i need to reach her now otherwise i might give in to the cold air that is attacking my lungs I will not let the cold bring me down i am too powerful to let it. i attack the slope makeing my own trail makeing my way to molly the snow thick but i can’t give up my legs attack it makeing my own trail i am getting closer my body is cold and tired, then i reach her and i beg for my inhaler once i take it i instantly feel it curing me of the cold,  air
but i am spent i can’t go any further then i make a saying  it is not how we fall  or how many times we fall but how many times we get back up again and how we get back up again.

One of my worries was that I was gonna get cold and complain. But I learned to stay warm from the beginning and not get cold half way through. Another one of my worries was that I was gonna get hurt and not be able to finish the trip. But I was careful where I stepped and I only ran where it was okay to.

I think that a challenge was my scenery (“sensory”) issues got in the way on the second day because I did not were the right socks. So my toes and feet froze so much that I couldn't feel them!:{
So now I know not to bring cotton socks.

During the hike I was thinking: “ At the top, there is a reward, not an item, but the beautiful views, and the frozen lake, and how we will get to slide on the ice.” That was what kept me going when I was wanting to stop every ten seconds but I also knew that: “ When  I stop i get cold, when I get cold, I want to get warm, when I want to get warm, I start to move, when I start to move I get warm, when I get worn I get tired, when I get tired I want to stop, when I want to stop I get cold.”  And I kept repeating this in my head, over and over and over and “Then I knew for sure this time I only had this little hill I would be there and sure enough I did make it all the way to lake agnes. Victory filled my whole body, I knew that for the first time in my entire life that hike was the hike that I pushed myself the hardest.”  And now I know that even when i'm scared I know that that is the time that I push my self the most not when i'm in my comfort zone but when I am challenged.

Winter Voyage Reflection - by Jeanette
    I was tired, cold, and scared. We were hiking at what felt like one hundred miles an hour. The hill was steep and the wind was blowing, hard. I couldn’t stop for a rest because my feet would get more pained and numb then they already were. The only choice I had was to keep going. The wind continued to blow fiercely, harshly. It was as if we were the unwelcome guests and the wind was the guard. Hard, sharp ice blew into my face and scratched my skin. My lungs felt like they were made of steel and I was finding it hard to breathe. I stepped off the path to regain balance and breath.
    “You can do it Jeanette!” I heard the words of encouragement from behind me.
    “I seriously cannot breathe right now.” I panted as panic seeped in through a wall of calmness that I put up for myself. But all of a sudden, a quote that I knew burst in through all the negative thoughts.
Attitudes are contagious. Is yours worth catching? Well  was it? No, somehow I knew it wasn’t. I calmed down and forced myself back on the path. I remembered what my solution was if I was cold and tired and didn’t want to go on any further. Just keep going and know that every footstep gets you closer to your destination. The top is where the true prize was and that’s where we were headed. Even though it was snowing and ice shards were still blowing into my face, chilling me and keeping my face numb, even though I couldn’t see the mountains through all the blowing flakes of white, I fought hard. Fought hard against the harsh, cruel wind. Fought hard against the steepness and slipperiness on the hills. I fought all the way to the top. It was gorgeous. The snow cascaded over the mountains creating a blanket, just translucent enough for me to see the mountains, looming above. The ice covering  beautiful Lake Agnes was about a foot-and-a-half thick, but I could still, faintly make out the bottom. In the end, all the effort was incredibly worth it. When we reached the top, all the effort wasn’t all that bad when the prize revealed itself, and it was a prize beyond explanation.

    The number one goal that I set for myself on the voyage was to (like I mentioned in the anecdote) keep going and to remember that every single footstep counts and every move forward pushes us closer to the top. My goal was to get to the lake. Before this hike, I thought I wasn’t very good at pushing myself to accomplish goals. That’s the reason why I never liked new year's resolutions much. So when we started our hike to Lake Agnes I was scared for the long walk ahead. By the time we were on those hills, I was crying. But when I pushed myself to keep going, knowing that there would be a major prize at the top, every move forward did eventually get us to that beautiful lake. And that goal I set for myself got me there.
    What I learned about myself on this voyage is that I have the ability to push myself to reach goals. Not only on the voyage but in life. Whether at home with working on my priorities first or at school with taking it more seriously. I know that I can accomplish anything if I just focus on that and work hard.

    By knowing that I can work hard enough to achieve goals, I can take that skill and apply it to my life. I think this will help me later because if I set a goal for myself and I find that I’m struggling with it, I can remember back to my winter voyage and put myself back on the hills that we were climbing up to Lake Agnes. When I remember what I felt like that day, and I remember pushing myself to the top, then I can trust in myself to accomplish the goal I’ve set for myself then. Whether it’s just next year for my first year of middle school, or when I’m forty years old and have a family of my own, I know I can be prepared.


Results from the survey
sent to our community to assess
interest in exploring an ELOB middle school-

Battle of the Books

Our 5th and 6th graders took first place against
Buffalo Ridge in a heated over time!

Sportsmanship in all things

The team!
Jennifer and Kimberly will have to compete alone next week as the rest of the team
will be gone on their voyage! Go girls!

'Book Tasting' in the library

Ms. Diana - you are just full of fun, clever ideas!

Complete with tea lights!



Feb.25- March 1st:
Quiet week with lots of people out of the building

5th grade leave on  Winter Voyage

3rd grade leave on Winter Voyage

March 4 - March 8th:
TCap Week :)
Schedule changes = impact to system

Climbing begins in PE

*RTI 7:15 a.m.

* Leadership Team meeting 11:00 a.m.

* Artists Edition: Life Is Art 4- 7 pm

* 1st grade Winter Voyage

Classroom Visits

I am trying to decide between a few apps on the Ipad and decide which one works best for me in gathering notes/evidence during classroom visits. I've started with Noteability and have shared those with those of you I've visited this week. I have a few glitches to sort out.

The purpose of documenting my visits is to collect evidence for CITE; for providing you with some observational data; and to throw out some questions or thoughts for consideration. I also hope to work on making the language of CITE more common and understandable for you by using it in my notes.

I am  taking down notes of what is observable. Know that sometimes my 'wonderings' are because I'm only there for a short time and don't have enough information. If I note any questions for consideration those are for you to ponder or answer for yourself. If you want to email me a response or get together to chat about those, that is great too. 

My hope is that while there is a requirement to gather observational data, that we can grow and learn together. Your feedback to me about what helps and what pushes you to think deeper will help me get better at meeting your individual needs.

My notes will not be of a personal nature. I recognize that it feels personal, however, it's important that we all are focused on improving instruction and focused on the learners. If it helps, when you document student learning you likely don't include personal notes - rather specific notes about what you noticed. 

I hope this explanation helps you in knowing what I'm doing on the Ipad when I'm in your room. A part of me grieves the more personal side of dropping in and being present. This is a shift I'm required to do. My hope is that when I become better at it, I can become more flexible with how I do this and maybe it won't feel so detached. Hang in there with me during my learning curve! We're all learning to do our work in new ways. It's taking me awhile to unlearn and relearn!

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Feb. 15, 2013

Rethinking Rubrics

As I work to develop deeper understandings using Backwards Planning I've 'discovered' a few things that I think need to be reworked and simplified.

The first of those discoveries is we make rubrics too complicated. Most of the rubrics I see have three categories - they are described in a variety of ways -usually something like 'apprentice', 'developing' and 'mastery'. 

From the teacher's perspective, you have an outcome and you have to decide what it will 'look like' if the student achieves the target. So are there really three categories, or more like 'yes' they got it, or 'no' they didn't?

For the student - when they look at the rubric with three categories are we perpetuating a perception that wherever you fall on the rubric is good enough? Do they know what the expectation is for reaching the target? Does all that information in each category make it complicated for a student (maybe even the teacher) to know in a concise way what the target is?

I wonder how it might work if a rubric listed the criteria (the objectives) and then said 'yes or no'? Would this provide the teacher with an assessment of whether a student reached the objective? Would it provide authentic feedback to a student? Would it allow a student to create a goal for achieving the outcome? Would it serve as a tool for measuring growth? Could we even make it quantifiable if we needed to?
Would it be easier?????

I know, you're thinking right now, "well, what else did you discover?" Of course, I have to leave you dangling so you'll eagerly open next weeks blog post! (wishful thinking?)


February 18th - 22nd:

Monday: No School - President's Day

No RTI meeting

Professional Development: Team Planning

First grade Winter Voyage day trip
5th grade field work to the Botanical Gardens

February 25 - March 1st: (Yes...March!!)
A relatively quiet week:)

Bill, Rebecca and Kenny leave on their Winter Voyage

NO RTI meeting

Tyler, Lauren and MarySue leave on their Winter Voyage

Leadership Team Meeting:

The Leadership Team met for a brief meeting on Wednesday. We discussed needing to create an interview team for hiring purposes. You will be receiving a Google survey to submit your preference for how we select this hiring team.
We also spent some time discussing next steps for our long range goal of having digital tools in the hands of learners. It is clear that NetBooks have not been the ideal tool we had wished for. We are discussing the possibility of seeing if our current NetBooks can be sold. In any case, with the funds from Life Is Art, we will be replacing our current NetBooks with Mac lap tops. Please let me know how many NetBooks each of your grade level teams currently have.
Kindergaten is funded differently than the rest of our programming. Funds collected from kindergarten must be spent on kindergarten. We have some dollars in reserve in this program and it was decided that we will purchase Ipads for kindergarten with these funds. The Ipads that kindergarten currently has will be collected to use in other parts of our school. We haven't completely figured that all out yet until we get an update of what others have and need. 
In all cases, the Leadership Team identifies that every grade has a higher need and we are working towards a plan to address the entire system. Unfortunately, at the high cost of digital tools it will take us several years to accomplish our goal. In the meantime, the goal keeps stretching!
The next Leadership Team meeting will be to create a school wide Balanced Assessment System spreadsheet to turn into the district assessment office. During that work, we'll identify next steps for us as a school in creating our desired BAS.

Peek Into the Life of our School:

Contract of expectations

Kindergarten Scientists at work

Budding Scientists

Melissa assessing for possible Speech Language needs

'Camp Mr. Neil'?

Learning at the elbow of a more knowledgeable other

You know it's Voyage time when the hallways are lined with equipment!

Our younger group competing in 'Battle of the Books'
on Tuesday night - and they won!

Valentines Day-
For the love of writing -

Lucky 'Mimi' gets a Valentine

This student has an authentic audience and purpose!

Artists at Work
Renaissance Artists Edition is coming up fast...
March 6th

Enjoy your Friday with uninterrupted planning time!

Have a great THREE day weekend!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

February 8, 2013

Play, Passion, Purpose

It's been a joy going through the observation process with many of you. It's been a great learning process for me to see what we understand, what we are struggling to understand, and where we still need to grow.
I also know that our learning grows and goes deeper with exposure to good speakers, presentations and who better than Tony Wagner! In this video and the next, you will find connections to the hard work you are engaged in as you wrap your arms around identifying modern, rigorous, relevant, integrated, transferable, and aligned outcomes. Why is it important to have outcomes that have purpose? How does passion and play align with engagement? How does creativity provide ownership for learners, and therefore increase engagement? Do we honor play?

Please take a minute to watch this video and reflect. 

If you love another!

7 Skills Students Need for the Future

It is so exciting that we are part of the great shift in transforming education.
Will we ever arrive? Nah...
But it is very validating to listen to Tony Wagner and his vision and recognize that we here at Renaissance have been on this path - We have embraced this vision and are involved in the hard work of figuring out how to take an idea and move it into action.
Before we can implement an idea, we must understand it.
Then, we must get busy trying to do it.

February 11 - 15th:

Lisa's Crew leaves on Winter Voyage
4th grade leaves on Winter Voyage

RTI meeting 7:15 a.m.

All School Meeting
Professional Development: Team Planning

Valentines Day (This has authentic writing opportunities...)

No Students
Professional Development: Planning and Collaboration

February 18th - 22nd:

Monday: No School - President's Day

No RTI meeting

Professional Development: Team Planning

First grade Winter Voyage day trip

Leadership Team Discussion and Decisions:

The Leadership Team looked at the results of the Professional Development Survey. 20 teachers responded. 100% of the respondents wanted planning time on Friday, Feb. 15th. The top other three categories were to spend some time learning how to teach and assess the 4'C's; participating in a discussion about generating systems for  giving students feedback against the learning targets; and time to explore digital tools. The team decided to allocate our Professional Development day and allow teachers the full day to plan. IF you want to collaborate with other teachers to increase your knowledge and skill in any area, we encourage you to network on Friday!

Originally we thought we would survey the whole staff with the CDE TELL survey. This is a lengthy survey and takes a chunk of time to complete. So, in the interest of conserving time and prioritizing tasks, the Leadership Team decided to take a sampling of our staff instead. 

Planning Time

Last week in Friday Flash I wrote a focus piece on the many responsibilities of the classroom teacher and included a check-list of sorts that a teacher might use to map out their time. I'm putting a hard copy of that list in your mailboxes for you to use over the next few months.

In addition, at the beginning of the year, I asked you to keep a log of your extended planning time. For example, days spent over the break on planning, or days spent with Noreene planning outside of school, days you get a sub for planning purposes. I will need you to submit that log to me at the end of the year as we are responsible for tracking our planning grant dollars. Just a reminder :)

Some of you expressed interest in having some support planning. If you want to work with Noreene next Friday you better hurry and set that up! Perhaps she can do two half-day sessions. We are also extending Elisha's role and responsibilities and she will be available to starting supporting team planning. Unfortunately, she'll be leaving soon to give birth to her daughter, but keep her in mind for next year!

Peek Into the Life of our School:

Lisa is teaching Doug a wrestling move!

Collaboration between teachers -
Elisha and Jody analyze student writing -
puzzling over what the next steps for this student should be.
Integration of art with social studies Learning Expedition in 2nd grade

Starry Starry Night -
it's gorgeous!

...and they know it!

...and they work hard at it!

Worm mud left behind in Nathan's hand...
I just missed the worms!
First grade begins a new science learning expedition

Collecting student thinking...'s those pesky worms.

Scientists cleaning up after handling the worms.

Long lines for check out at the library!

No 'wonder'!

Beautiful singing and dancing coming from the music room!

Differentiating the instruction for students

Digital tools for learning

...and dressed for success!

Teacher and students learning side by side
Have you seen the dazzling paper cranes in Rebecca's Crew?
Inspired by literature -

Classification - inquiry in fourth grade


A rubric and a system for providing feedback so that
students know how they are doing.
"I did it!" moves away from kids thinking whatever they do is 'good enough'.

Dialogue between teacher and students

Winter Voyage paperwork...
See? She's smiling!
Bless you Julie

Have a wonderful weekend!