Thursday, February 18, 2016

February 19, 2016

What I noticed in the first 30 minutes of a Wednesday morning....

Chapter book discussion

Parents read to kindergartners

Teachers listen to readers

Big Sisters read to kindergartners

First Grader Genevieve reads to kindergartner

Another big sister reading in kindergarten

How to choose from all the book choices?

Conferencing with students as they finish a good read

Recording thinking while reading

“We read to know we're not alone.”

Get ready to jot these down...
For your reading/listening pleasure, here's what staff is recommending:

Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children 
-Harry Potter meets the X-Files. 
Tacopedia: The History of Tacos
The End of Average: How we Succeed in World that values Sameness
Todd Rose 
Podcast: Moth Story Telling, Serial

I have enjoyed the "Kate Burkholder" series by Linda Castillo. It is a mystery series set in Amish country. Kate Burkholder, a strong female lead character, is the sheriff in the small Amish community of Painter's Mill. Kate grew up as Amish then left the community due to a tragic situation. Her Amish background and censure from the community serve as a double-edged sword as she solves crime in her capacity of sheriff.

I also enjoy any book written by Lisa Scottoline. The lastest Scottoline book I read is entitled Keep Quiet. I found it to be a page turner. Many of the books by these two authors can be downloaded an an ebook from the Douglas County Library System. 

I am reading "I Will Never Be French (No Matter How Hard I Try)" right now. It's a fun account of the author's experience moving to Brittany for a summer and eventually buying a home there.  It's a light read, but perfect if anyone is escaping to a beach this Spring Break! It's an adult read as there is some language.

As far as podcasts, I enjoy "The Simple Sophisticate." The focus varies from life skills to pop culture to goal setting. The woman who does the podcast is a high school teacher in Bend, Oregon.

Both of these recommendations are purely for enjoyment...not much deep thinking going on!

I'm enjoying "JFK and the Unspeakable; Why He Died and Why It Matters" by James Douglass. By no means is it a 'fun', relaxing read but it is very interesting (and scary).

My landlord insists I read "Flourish" by Martin Seligman.  We had been talking about Renaissance and mindset (and building social skills); he got really excited and loaned me a copy of this book to read.  I hope to get around to it this Spring.

 - Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell (YA)
 -  The Martian by Andy Weir (adult)
 - Ready Player One by Ernest Cline (adult)

 - Pop Culture Happy Hour

Jenni Carlson:
I read, almost a year ago, "Leaving Time" by Jodi Picoult, which is an adult fiction novel. It was a different style for her writing but I loved the story line and the main character's journey. I think I may have even told you about this book during my interview :-)

I still refer this book for anybody who asks for a good recommendation!

Game of Thrones by George Martin-Adult
I figured telling you what I was currently reading was the easiest way to answer this question.  It is too hard to pick out my favorites.  

C.J .Box- The Joe Pickett Series 
If you are a Lee Child fan, you'll likely enjoy these. There are over 15 in the series and all set in Wyoming. My father recommended them to me, and I have to admit that the first book was just okay. The rest are MUCH better. You wouldn't have to read them in order, but they do follow a sequence.
Podcast: Happiness Project

A Walk in the Woods (Bill Bryson)- hilarious account of two men walking the Appalachian Trail
The Other Boylen Girl (Phillipa Gregory)- historical novel of some of the wives of King Henry VIII

From Curious to Discovery (NPR Ted Radio Hour)-- Adam Savage is my favorite speaker

Behind the scenes...
Winter Voyages heading out - 

Preparing the meds

That was easy?

There's something so right about the way the hallways were looking -
So us - right?!

Dana organizing the troops


February 22 - 26:

Monday, 22nd:
* Visitors from Innovation and Safety Summit members
* 3rd Graders leave on their Winter Voyage
Tuesday, 23rd:
* RTI 7:30 a.m.
Wednesday, 24th:
The Beat
* Discovery 2/3 and Discovery 4th leave on their Winter Voyage
*PD 1:30 - Protocols for Instruction
* 4:00 Anxiety Training Class in library
Thursday, 25th:
* First Grade leaves on their Winter Voyage (day trip)
* 9 - 10:30 Cindy (school director) makes a school visit
* Renaissance Secondary School Info meeting 6:30 pm in the gym

February 29- March 4:
Monday, 29th:
* REA/SAC meeting 5:30 p.m. (rescheduled)
Tuesday, 1st:
* RTI 7:30 a.m.
Wednesday, 2nd:
* PD: Defining the criteria for Showcase of Learning Presentation
* 4:00 Anxiety Training Class with Allison
Thursday, 3rd:
* Deborah out of the building PK12 admin. meeting
* Kim's Crew - fieldwork to Snow Mountain Ranch
Friday, 4th
*CERT training 9-11
(Deborah, Andrea, Eric, Debbie, Jodie,Elisha out of the building)

Featured Spaces
If you haven't seen this on our website, take a look!
On the home landing page, you'll also see that we've added a tab for our mission statement and our Professional Development.
Thank you Melissa for the work on our website!

One short week ago we were gathered together to learn.

Have a great weekend!

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