Tonight it was my intent to gather up the books I want to read over break, discovering that they are scattered between school and home. Frustrated, I recognized that scattered is just exactly how I'm feeling.
I've developed quite a list that needs my attention. The first thing on my list is to take a long walk to enjoy the season. During that walk, I'm going to reflect on the conversation I had with a teacher today.
You know how there are those moments you would have given anything to have recorded so you could share it with others? The perfect moment? Today this teacher shared a moment of celebration, and it could easily have been any of you.
The victory was in having found a way to reach a student - the moment when the frustrations of trying over and over to identify the needs of a student is discovered and then to watch the child's face shine with the joy of success. As a teacher you can hardly breathe. Oh the joy...oh the moment of knowing how essential you are...how this child may call up this moment years from now and feel it all over again.
Schedule for Monday, Oct. 22nd:
Staff picture @9:00 a.m.
Week of Oct. 22nd:
Staff only
9:00 Staff picture
11:00 Staff gather in library
RTI 7:15 a.m.
PD: Math and Planning
Administer Reading Interim Assessment (2nd -6th grades)
Administer Math Interim Assessment (2nd-6th grades)
Week of Oct. 28th:
Week of Student Led Conferences
Climbing in PE begins (see details below)
Make-ups for interim assessments
RTI 7:15 a.m.
Costume Parade 9:00 a.m. (see details below)
PD: Student Led Conferences
Schedule for Monday, Oct. 22nd:
Work day for you with two exceptions -
11:00 library to discuss dismissal procedures
We'll meet in the library at 11:30 a.m. where we will receive a 40 minute inservice on how to set up and use our new sound enhancement systems!!!
Student Led Conference
Reminder that conferences are scheduled for the last week in October.
Halloween Plans
Kindergarten will start the primary hallway parade.
6th grade can start the intermediate hallway parade.
The parades will not go to the Kindergarten classrooms or to the lodges. Those students will just join the parade in their assigned hallway.
After the parades, crews can have their healthy breakfasts/brunch in their own classrooms along with whatever activities they choose.
We will not have an All School Meeting that day.
** HINT!!!
PLEASE, please communicate the plan with parents as this plan is different than what has been done in the past.
If parents arrive and know the plan - less confusion and frustration for them and that equals happy community!
These 'special events' have a very high value for parents. They spend time creating, shopping and preparing their child with a costume and have invested time in their relationship with them looking forward to this special fun. Parents have a personal investment = big deal for them too!
Schedule for District Pilot Interim Assessments
* Grades impacted: 2nd through 6th grade
* Dates for assessments: You pick the time
* Reading: Thursday, Oct. 25th
* Math: Friday, Oct. 26th
* Implement accomodations for students that are identified
AND document the accomodation
*Pencil test
* Assessments sent for electronic scoring
* Scoring of extended responses scored by teacher with provided rubric.
**We will hire a substitute to rotate around to give teachers an hour to score the written responses (date to be decided)
A little comic relief can be good for us
when the demands are great!
Mouse vs Mouse Trap
Fall Climbing details:
Fall climbing will begin the week of October 29th.
The sign ups for trainings and climbing are available now on sign up genius. Families can find them using Doug's e-mail. All of the information about trainings, and refreshers are located on the top of each sign up.
Families will be informed in Thursday folder.
Week of October 29th, Mary-Sue, Tyler, Mary-Beth, Kathy, and Jody.
Week of November 5th, Kenny, Lauren, Lindsay, Lisa, Hanni, Bill.
Week of November 12th, Brittany, Neil, Jill, Josh, Sarah, and Rebecca.
Calendar for Professional Development
10/31:Student Led Conferences
11/7: Overview of BAS- teachers document current state
11/14: Team share of current state/conversation/planning
11/28: Vertical share of BAS identify trends and create a backwards plan for vertical team
12/5: Finish backwards plan for BAS
12/12: Report cards
12/19: CITE: Watch a teaching video and score with CITE rubric in small groups
CITE: Continuous Improvement of Teacher Effectiveness
Link to Dr. Fagen's Blog and details about CITE 2.0
"Where Is It" is a google document that Jill and Mary Beth created to help us find "stuff" related to the strategic plan. Please feel free to add or edit this document. The document has been shared with all of you.
Thank you Jill and Mary Beth, I had that as a 'to do' on my Fall Break list and now I can check that off!
Peek Into the Life of Our School:
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Not the anchor charts of the past |
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Performance Assessment |
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Creating...highest level of Blooms |
Stage 3: Instruction and Learning Experiences
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How do we link the language of backwards planning in Expeditionary Learning to Enduring Ideas and Essential Questions? |
Authentic assessment driving instruction
Collaboration, Integration, Synthesis
These are students in Art.
Doesn't look like an assessment? Performance assessment in action. |
Asking students to engage in critical thinking about their impact on wildlife. Students were identifying the kinds of animals that live in the area they were preparing to visit during a hike. |
Jane, our Occupational Therapist, supporting students. |
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