Welcome Back!
I still haven't figured out how to embed music on my blog, so you'll have to play this Youtube video and listen to the song (and sing along!) as you peruse this post.
"Count On Me" by Bruno Mars -
a song we sing at All School Meeting.
I'm always contemplating my role as a leader. I reflect upon the things I believe and my role in moving our school forward. All of you are my highest priority. Gasp...not the kids? Well, yes of course, but really I do not have the impact on them that you do - I have the biggest impact on you...and through you, to the kids.
How can I support, inspire and motivate you to be the best you can be? From Daniel H. Pink, the author of A Whole New Mind, comes a paradigm-shattering look at what truly motivates us and how we can use that knowledge to work smarter and live better. I sure like the sound of that!
Pink says the secret to high performance and satisfaction - at work, at school, and at home - is the deeply human need to direct our own lives, to learn and create new things, and to do better by ourselves and our world. Yeah...I'm really like this now.
Pink examines, drawing on four decades of scientific research on human motivation, three elements of true motivation - autonomy, mastery, and purpose - and offers smart and surprising techniques for putting these into action. I want to know more about this!!
If you'd like to read along with me, let me know and I'll get you a copy of the book too! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6XAPnuFjJc
I think it is essential that our school culture provides you with the opportunities for autonomy, mastery and a sense of purpose in your daily work. One of my goals this year will be to explore how I can increase those opportunities and support you in them during the year.
I believe that together we have created a school with a unique environment and strive to creating learning experiences that are purposeful for kids. We acknowledge that our thinking and approaches need to be challenged and reinvented. We embrace the struggle. There isn't a one of us who believes in mediocrity. In each of us, there is the search for excellence. We believe we each are making a contribution that improves the educational experience for kids, makes the world a bit better, and is a place we all feel a sense of belonging. We will do great things.
Building Community
"No significant learning occurs without a significant relationship"
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Brittany, Mary Sue & Lauren (Bill in corner) Thanks for planning the fun activities! |
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Lisa takes the risk of facilitating our drum circle. Thanks Lisa! (Mary Sue, Bill and Marci in background) |
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Left to right: Linda, Tyler, Jill, Wendy & Sarah |
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Left to right: Neil, Elisha, Kathy, Mary Beth, Dana, Lindsey, Jodie |
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Left to right: Brittany, Mary Sue, Lauren, Bill, Marci & Hanni |
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Left to right: Bill, Brittany, Mary Sue, Kenny, Linda, Bill, Marci, & Elisha |
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Left to right: Lauren, Hanni, Sarah, Jodie, Rebecca, Bill & Brittany |
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Left to right: Lisa, Kathy, Wendy, Mary Beth, Dana, Jill, Neal, Pam, Doug & Cheryl |
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Our wonderful IA teachers: Pam, Doug & Cheryl |
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Left to right: Elisha, Jody, Mercedez, Lisa, Kathy, Wendy, Mary Beth, Dana & Jill |
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Left to right: Jodie, Sarah, Rebecca, Bill, Brittany, Mary Sue & Kenny Bill...his usual entertaining self! |
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Lisa and Josh Was it bad news? |
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Lisa and Josh... |
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Left to right: Andrea, Julie, Lauren & Hanni |
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Left to right: Lauren, Hanni, Jodie, Sarah, Rebecca, Bill & Brittany Did second grade get to keep the hat? |
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Kindergarten has a solution to prevent knee injury from all the time they spend on the floor! |
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Lisa has a solution for when she nods off... |
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Left to right: Mary Beth, Dana, Jill, Lindsey, Neil, Pam, Doug & Cheryl |
Re-cap of discussed items:
* Greeting students on Wednesday - teachers will stand out front in lines on the grass, lining up with kindergarten closest to the front door and 6th grade at the far end.
On Thursday, we'll resume our normal procedure of greeting students in respective classrooms. I encourage you to create a routine whereby you can stand at the door and greet students as they enter. Take advantage of the opportunity to use Love and Logic's essential skill of the 'I notice..." strategy to build those critical relationships with kids.
* Drumming - we will begin drumming on Monday, August 13th. You have until then to coordinate with other teachers about how and when you will shift the drums from their location from last year to your area.
* Schedules - IA's and lunch times remain the same as they were last year.
* Duties - Andrea and I are working on this and will create a google document. If you need to shift a duty around from last year, please visit with us.
* Drills - if you are not certain about this, please visit with me.
* Storm dismissal - a flag is placed outside to inform parents that it is a storm dismissal and parents need to come into the building and pick their student up from the classroom. Bus students should go to the music room and a staff member will take them to the bus. It would be helpful for you to remind parents about this procedure.
* Daily dismissal - you have a designated area out front and students should remain under your supervision until they are picked up and you need a system by which you track student departure. Bus students should be sent a few minutes early and should proceed directly to the bus by taking the hallway by the kindergarten.
* Ad Ed back-up buddy should be identified by you and lesson plans should be created in the event that they may be needed.
* You need emergency sub plans filed with Andrea.
* AESOP is the new system to request a substitute teacher. You can log in (when they get it to us!) at www.aesoponline.com - the mobile application can be downloaded to your phone at m.aesoponline.com
* We have a new kitchen manager - Zena.
* Lunch choice will look different and you will be provided with a laminated class list form where students will mark their choice, and this card should be delivered to the kitchen each morning.
* We have a new RN: Beth Mackin - med training on a Wednesday.
* The Leadership Team will be configured differently this year. Jill, Bill, Pam, Mary Sue, Julie, Elisha, Noreene and Deborah comprise the team this year.
* RTI team meets every Tuesday at 7:15 in the conference room and is open to all. Deborah, Noreene, Bill, Chris, Marci, Elisha and Josie attend weekly. Teachers should seek the support of one of the team members when you have a student who is struggling (high or low) and a member of the team will guide you through the process. Team members will be working on scheduling face to face time with teachers who have students involved in tier interventions on a bi-weekly basis.
* Child Abuse Reporting - a moodle should be available shortly whereby you can go through a short information training and acknowledge, electronically, that you are aware of your responsibilities to report any suspected abuse. It is the responsibility of any and all staff members to directly report anything you hear or see. You can seek support in this process from Deborah. A form must also be filled out and filed with the district. You must call both the Department of Human Services and the police department. In addition, any contact, student to student that results in touching of any area of a student's body in the 'swimsuit' regions, must be reported to both agencies. You must not do any questioning or investigating. Parents are not called - a report is made.
* Computer decisions - a set of computers will be located at every grade level from 3rd -6th grade. Each team needs to coordinate with Noreene or Julie to pick up your cart and computers. Teachers are responsible for the use and care of these computers. It is encouraged that you have students sign a contract for expectations of use. These computers are a resource to all and coordination of using these digital tools needs to be collaborative.
* Math resources/order has arrived. They are in the library and respective teams need to come and pick up their materials no later than the end of the day on Friday.
* Back to School Picnic/Celebration is next Friday after school, August 10th.
* Name tags - all staff and kids are encouraged to wear name tags the first few weeks of school.
* Your personal goals need to be put into Halogen. I will coordinate a conference with you to discuss your goals.
* CSAP results are embargoed and hopefully, individual grade level information will be available in CSnap by Friday.
* Communication with parents - you need a method in which to communicate with parents and to make the learning visible to parents that occurs in your classroom. Email is for communicating factual information and celebrations. Any concerns need to be communicated face to face or a phone call. If a parent expresses a concern to you via email, you can respond via email to set up a time to talk. We won't express our concerns, or answer concerns, via email.
* Adventure Education paperwork - please check in with Julie and work with Julie about timelines and paperwork.
* Love and Logic - we did not have a strong staff response requesting a course. I will get back with those who are interested on other options for increasing your understandings and practice.
* District level information - a meeting will be scheduled (TBA) after school to bring you up to date and other information will be shared as it becomes available and shared during our Wednesday PD session, and/or through Friday Flash.
ADDITIONS to this morning's list:
* Love and Logic: You will find a hard copy of a Love and Logic agreement form in your box. Please sign this if you are willing to make a commitment to how we will work with students and return to my mailbox. If you are unwilling to sign this agreement, please come visit with me.
* Please stop and see Andrea to fill out the emergency card and take care of other office details.
* Have you re-imaged your computer? If not, you need to see Julie or Noreene. It will take about two hours depending on the server speed.
* Jill sent this link out in July to everyone. Consider showing this to your Crew at some point during the first month of school. How to use a paper towel:
Calendar: Two weeks at a glance
August 6 - 10th:
Monday - Tuesday: Listening Conferences
* Students First Day
* Epi pen and EAD med training with RN at 1:30 in the library
Friday: Picture Day
Back to School Picnic 4 - 7 p.m.
August 13 - 17th:
Lisa's Crew on Voyage
Tuesday: RTI meeting 7:15 a.m.
* First All School Meeting 9:00 a.m.
* Professional Development 1:30 in library "Professional Learning Communities"
Thanks for a great first day together!
Have a great weekend!
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