Thursday, May 24, 2012

May 24, 2012

May 24, 2012

Sprinting Across the Finish Line

Here we are, about to enter our last week of school. We are all frantically trying to keep up with everything going on. While that certainly does have us all feeling a little overwhelmed, there is much energy and excitement....just as it should be. I see students immersed in quality learning and not focused on counting down days. Winding down is not the way to end a school year. Winding down comes later for everyone. We have all worked so hard and the pay off is the power ending. This is where we power through, drawing on our stored energy to sprint across the finish line. We once again have the opportunity to model and inspire our students (and each other) about what working hard for something looks like. When you see the summit in sight, a hiker doesn't decide to take a rest or slow their pace, they draw on their strength, passion and desire to summit the mountain. Atop that mountain, then, and only then, do you drop that heavy backpack to the ground and gaze at the vista and throw you arms up in exhalation! What an incredible feeling of pride and accomplishment to know you made it, and to know you gave it everything you had.


Week of May 28 - June 1st:

Wednesday, May 30th:
* ASM Whole School Drum Circle
* Compensation time from 1:15 until 5:30 p.m.
* 5:30 Appreciation Circle for Cody (I'll bring pizza!)
* 6:30 Closing Ceremony

Thursday, May 31st:
* Last day of school for students
* Kona Ice and t-shirt signing (you should know your time)
* End of year staff party at Julie's house
* Parents will not have access to Parent Portal until 5:00 p.m.

Friday, June 1st:
* Last day for teachers
* 8:30 meet in library to gather to move classrooms in mobile 
* Check out form (will get this to you on Tuesday)
* 2:30 gather in library for staff circle/closure/celebrations

Class Assignments
So, it turns out that the electronic EPR does not have a place for you to list the name of the crew teacher for next year. The office will be informing parents of crew assignments. Parents will not receive this information until 5:00 p.m. on Thursday. Should parents contact you with concerns about crew assignment you need to direct them to contact me.

Plans for our last day together, Friday June 1st:
* 8:30 a.m. Moving (shifting the two rooms in Discovery mobile...won't take long with all hands on deck)
* 9:00 - 11:30 a.m.  Kindergarten teachers/literacy specialists meeting with Kindergarten parents
* Cleaning up rooms
* Write a draft goal for next year with the assessment you will use to measure your success. I am not sure whether Halogen will let you post them yet, but you could save it in a word document and cut and paste it into Halogen in the fall.
* Turn in your student writing exemplars you selected for each of your genre studies this year and the rubric you created to assess them.
* Check out list
* 2:30 p.m. Coming together as a staff for closure

Important dates for beginning next year:

Staff backpacking trip: July 27th - 29th 
New teachers report Wednesday, August 1st.
All teachers report Thursday, August 2nd.
We will meet as a staff on the morning of Thursday and Friday (Aug. 2nd and 3rd) and you will have the afternoons to work in your classrooms.
Listening Conferences Monday and Tuesday, August 6th and 7th

Featured Folk:
Authored by Bill Dowdle

As those who know me, I always seem to be running late...running, but late!  As we come to the end of the Momentous 2011-2012 school year, I wanted to take a little time to share something about me. I was born in Graham, Texas, so yes, English is a second language for me...but I am slowing making progress in this area...until I make a trip back to the Lone Star State, then I have a relapse! My parents still live in Lubbock, home of Texas Tech University, where I received my elementary education degree (BSEd), with a specialization in English! (Okay, quit laughing!)  My sister, brother-in-law, and nephew live in Denton, home of University of North Texas, where my nephew will be graduating from in the summer.

My wife and I live in Monument.  Lauren is a native of is NOT in Texas, and at times. we still need an interpreter!  
Our son, Levi, is 18 and will be graduating this month from Palmer Ridge High School.  It has and still is a journey, but we are proud of him in so many ways.

I have taught elementary school for 5 years, before returning to college at University of Texas at Arlington for my Masters in Social Work.  I then worked for 5 years in social services in Texas as a food stamp eligibility worker and then a Child Protective Services caseworker, before returning to the public school system in Academy School District 20 in Colorado Springs.  I was a school social worker there for 14 years before I came to Douglas County School District.

This is my 13th year in DCSD and my first at REMS.  I wanted to end by thanking you all (oops, thar ah go agin!) for all the kind support and patience for me getting to know you and your crews and the wonderful philosophy and practices of Renaissance!  I truly have enjoyed my time here and look forward to the next adventures here!  Yes, I will be here next here and am looking forward to drum is ready to join the marvelous beat you have established here!  Thank you again, so very much!  
The other Mr. Bill

The pictures?  Oh, glad you asked....this is proof of one of my favorite accomplishments....Certified Alligator Wrangler!

Started with the small ones....don't laugh, they were underwater, fast, and wanting to BITE!

The middle size was harder to pull out of the water and you had to watch out for BOTH ends, as their tails were now weapons.

Finally, the BIG ones...this one weighs 400 pounds and was over 9 feet long....a male.  Also, the only one documented to have bitten OFF a finger from a past "learner"....not me!
So, if you ever want to get YOUR certificate of insanity, I mean, Gator Wrestling, you can still do it at Colorado Gators in Mosca, Colorado, near Alamosa!

See you all these last few days and have a wonderful and well deserved summer!
Bill D

One More!

Authored by Neil Reese

I grew up in Tuscaloosa, Alabama and both of my parents worked at the University of Alabama.  My father was the director of the computer center, while my mother was a staff assistant in the math department.  So, before I could even walk, I was on the campus and attending football games.  There was never any doubt where I would attend college, as I bleed Crimson.  My six years at Alabama were wonderful, and I wouldn’t trade them for anything.  I played trumpet in the Million Dollar Band (there’s a story behind the band’s name, but that’s for another time) in 1992 and 1994.

It took me 4 years of college to figure out what I wanted to do; besides drinking beer and chasing women.  I had  been pretty miserable with my classes because nothing caught my interest, so I decided to pay a visit to my former youth director to talk to him about life.  He taught 5th grade at one of the poorest schools imaginable.  When I went to visit with him, I realized just how much fun I was having in his classroom, so I decided to become an elementary teacher right then.

After graduating I moved to the Atlanta area . I didn’t know a soul there, and I wanted a new challenge.  I was teaching 4th grade for most of the time there, with a few stops in 3rd and 5th grade; all at the same school.

I met my wife, Tia, in 2001; although at that time I was not ready for a relationship.  She had just had Emma, and although we dated that summer, I was not ready for the commitment.  Our lives strayed away from each other for over two years, but we somehow remained in touch with each other. 

We wound up reuniting in 2004, and year and a half later were married.  Being a step father was exhilarating, but we couldn’t wait to have a child that we shared.  We were blessed when Jessa was born in November 2006.

We have two boxers named Linus and Lucy, and they are spoiled rotten.  Lucy is smaller and fatter than Linus , but make no mistake about it, she is the alpha dog.  Linus is stronger and taller, but he’s a wimp.  We bred them about 4 years ago, and had a successful liter of 8 puppies.  Lucy never really lost her “baby weight”, thus she has earned the nickname “ Fat Lucy”.  Tia wanted to breed them again, but once was enough for me.

When we were dating Tia told me that she wanted to move back to Denver, and I was  fine with that; although there were two conditions:  The first being she would have to pay the extra money so that I could watch Alabama football, and every other year I would be able to return to Tuscaloosa to attend a game.  I wasn’t able to go this year, so we shall see just how well that deal stands up next year.

Starting around 2009 she caught the bug to move back to Colorado, but we were not in any financial shape to move.  She was pretty miserable for most of that year, so I told  her let’s just move and everything  will work out; and somehow it did.  She received a job at the school of Mines, so this paid for our move across country.  I had signed my contract in Georgia maybe a month before that, so I was not looking forward to the conversation with my principal about moving.  At this point we still had our house in Atlanta and I had no job; however, I had faith that everything would work out.

It’s very ironic how I got this job, as somehow I deleted the first e-mail that Deborah had sent me requesting an interview.  Tia and I were actually on a cruise, and when I got back my former principal called me and wanted to know if I had interviewed. Once again, it seemed that fate was calling me to Colorado.  I called as soon as I could and scheduled an interview with Deborah, Noreene, and Jill.  This was my first experience Skyping, and I was extremely nervous since I hadn’t had to interview for a job in 13 years.  I did what is rumored with the news anchors by wearing a tie, but having shorts and flip flops on underneath.

Since moving to Colorado our first year has been a whirlwind. Our oldest , Emma, is in 5th grade with Ms. Rebecca and she is finally settling in.  Jessa will be in kindergarten next year, and she can’t wait to come to “ Emma’s and Daddy’s School”.  I have always wanted to compete in triathlons, so I found a great club based in Parker and have three triathlons scheduled this summer.  This past weekend I ran in the Colfax Half Marathon and had a blast.  It’s hard to believe that this school year is almost over, and it has been an amazing year for me, but I can’t wait to have the summer and enjoy exploring more of Colorado.

Peek Into the Life of Our School:

Ah, pictures!
This is what happens when I don't have my Ipad attached to my hip!
What a shame because there is so much happening!
I am especially moved tonight after participating on 6th grade Portfolio Showcases. 
What a powerful demonstration of student learning! 

We'll have lots of pictures for next week!

Enjoy your extended weekend!

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