April 13, 2012
Reflections on Design Principles
The Natural World
I know that we all had the opportunity over our break to enjoy the healing powers of the natural world - to walk among the beauties of the earth and find some healing and renewal of strength that comes from being one with the earth. We were all able to see the evidence of the recurring cycles of the earth as signs of spring came early this year. Ah, just to smell the change of the season....
As teachers in an Expeditionary Learning school we are always finding opportunities to include the natural world in our lessons both in class and on voyages. Students learn to observe, see the cause and effect and to appreciate the earth. The act of observing draws the observer into the relationship with the natural world. Taking time in solitude to reflect deepens this experience.
The more students learn to appreciate the natural world, the more they realize the importance of being stewards of this earth. If students were not interacting in the natural world on a regular basis with an intentional purpose( observing, reflecting, ) that deep sense of responsibility for their world would not occur. It is that 'habit of mind' that forms our attitudes, commitments, values and actions. Our commitment, as stewards of the earth, is to create the learning experiences that intentionally focus on the natural world. This learning experience creates students who become citizens of this natural world. As we prepare students to be citizens of a global world, does that not also mean that they must have a deep sense of the importance of the natural world?
The natural world is where students may learn self-discovery and risk taking. Do you see how these design principles are intertwined, overlap and support one another? You can't talk about one in isolation - nor is learning ever an isolated experience. It is critical though, that as teachers, we make transparent for our students the purpose and the intention of what these learning experiences provide.
"Now I see the secret of the making of the best persons. It is to grow in the open air, and to eat and sleep with the earth." Walt Whitman
April 16 -20th:
Climbing begins for students in PE
Monday, 16th:
* Discovery students go to Ameritown
Tuesday, 17th:
* RTI meeting 7:15 a.m.
* 4th grade musical 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday, 18th:
* Vision/Hearing recheck 9:00 - 11:30 a.m.
* 6th grade pictures 9:00 - 11:00 a.m.
* Kids Life Is Art Showcase 4:00 -7:00 p.m.
Thursday, 19th:
* Shelter in Place drill 9:00 a.m.
Friday, 20th:
* Teacher compensation day
April 23 - 27th:
Climbing in PE
Wednesday, 25th:
* New Parent Orientation 8:00 a.m.
* All School Meeting 9:00 a.m.
Friday, 27th:
* Life Is Art 6:00 p.m.
Love and Logic
Consequences preceded by empathy help children
learn healthy cause and effect.
Consequences preceded by anger and lectures help children
learn to be resentful.
Featured Folk:
Yeah! It's back...thanks Hanni!
Create. Connect.
By: Hanni Gilbert
Though the word “imagine” speaks to me more than any other word in our language, “create” and “connect” seem to sum up all aspects of my life most accurately.
I’m most happy when I can create and connect. And, I can’t have one without the other.
In an effort to stay connected to my roots and family, I am a Colorado native and have no plans to live anywhere else. Good thing my husband is also a native who does not wish to move! And after 31 years in this wonderful state of ours, my roots go deep, but I do love to travel and create memories, so my travel bucket list is long.
I’m named after Hanni Wenzel, a gold-medalist downhill skier from Liechtenstein. You would think that my parents had some connection to skiing, to name their only child after a skier, but that’s not the case. My dad just heard her name during the 1980 Olympics and liked it.
I have had two careers, which, lucky for me, have allowed me to both connect and create. Before becoming a teacher, I was an Exercise Physiologist for Broncos Sports Medicine. There, I was able to connect with many people and create exercise plans for patients who were transitioning out of therapy. These patients included everyone from players for the Denver Crush (the Arena Football League), to people who were recovering from heart surgery. While I immensely enjoyed what I did, I knew it wouldn’t be enough for me. I weighed my options, and after briefly thinking about attending a program to become a Physical Therapist, I just couldn’t connect with Physics, I decided to return to what I have always loved, working with children. This is what eventually brought me to Renaissance.
I met Noreene at a job fair in Greeley and was lucky enough to be offered a position at Renaissance. Right from the start, I knew that Renaissance was the place for me. I was so fortunate to have the opportunity to help create our Character Traits and school culture that first year. I could not be happier than at a school that teaches to the whole child and integrates so many wonderful aspects into our students’ lives. We really do connect with students and create an excitement for learning that is infectious! This is why I cannot wait to have my children attend Renaissance!
If I ever do have a different career, I know that it will be in writing. My grandmother, from whom I get my middle name, McKimm, started the newspaper in Woodland Park when my dad’s family moved to Colorado when he was just a little boy. I would love to reconnect that newspaper with my family, at some point in my life. Someday.
In my free time, you’ll always find me creating and connecting. Most of the time, I’m connecting with my family or friends. All of my family and close friends live nearby and it’s rare that a week goes by that my children don’t see at least one set of grandparents. Although I’m not fortunate enough to be able to create music, I’m never happier than when connecting to others through music. I love the energy of live music. Good thing for me, my husband’s band plays so many local shows. Punk music has always been one of the things that has connected my husband and me. I also love to connect to nature and myself through hiking, running, biking, snowboarding and yoga. Mostly, I create jewelry and poems or short stories, but since having children, I have found out that I LOVE creating fun, theme parties for them! Ask me about the race car party Lochen had for his birthday last year, where each kid had his or her very own race car to race in, made from a large cardboard box. I’m not sure why I thought such an extravagant party was a good idea to throw, 8 months pregnant.
Whether in the classroom, on the slopes, or with my family, in all aspects of my life, I am happiest to connect and create.
Peek Into the Life of Our School:
I was unable to make it into every classroom by the end of the day on Thursday, and I regret that I don't have pictures of all the wonderful learning going on in each and every classroom this week. While we might have had two weeks off for Spring Break, the learning was back in action this week!
Here is just a taste of what happened in some classrooms this week...
OLE Committee |
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Ms. Mary Beth's Crew led All School Meeting. Their sharing of their song 'Integrity' brought tears to my eyes. |
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Ms. Mary Beth debriefs with her crew after the meeting. |
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Students stood to be acknowledged at All School Meeting for their accomplishments at the National Cup Stacking Competition. Impressive! Way to go Doug! |
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We won 92 medals as a school! |
Students learn how to play the viola, violin and cello. |
Students at Renaissance have an incredible opportunity to be exposed to such powerful learning experiences. Cheryl, your passion and commitment is so appreciated. |
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Doug leads students in 2nd grade to write reflections about themselves and their learning in PE as they prepare their portfolios. |
The 'Elegant Reveal' stage in the first grade Learning Expedition: Down to Earth
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Jill and Mary Beth have students waiting in the hall to prepare them as scientists as they explore what waits beyond the door of their classroom. |
First Grade Scientists
Recording what we know about worms... Ah...what they will learn! |
Following is a message worth hearing. It's not even 5 minutes long but gives the listener pause to consider our choices and priorities. We all strive to balance our lives and I think this short video is a good reminder to keep what really matters in focus. In this Ted video, Ric Elias shares the three things he learned about himself and his life in the few short minutes before his plane crashed.
1. It all changes in an instant ( have a sense of urgency)
2. Eliminate negative energy from your life
3. The only goal I have is to be a good dad...
* How would you change?
* How would you change your relationships?
* Are you the best parent/spouse/ friend/teacher that you want to be?
On a lighter note....
a wonderful cheer!
Words to Ponder:
Thank you for the meaningful feedback you shared with me about Friday Flash.
I will use your feedback to grow and improve.
Have a great weekend!
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