Ragnar - it's easier than teaching!
So, let's back up. In the Spring a few of our avid runners came across this crazy thing called Ragnar and it caught their eye because it is sponsored by Outward Bound. A portion of the fees are donated to Outward Bound. Interest grew upon further exploration about how this was an event that pushed adults out of their comfort zone, called on them to work as a team and had all the values of our Adventure Education philosophy embedded in this event.
Word went out to our staff to see if there was enough interest in creating a team to participate. Wouldn't it be so cool if a group of our staff participated in tandem with Outward Bound? Naturally, we couldn't all run since only 12 runners can participate. Some of our folks eagerly joined the team and some had to be arm wrestled into agreeing to commit, and others joined in support roles.
So now we have 12 runners participating and this event is going to allow us to sort of 'hang our school banner' on the event. From our marketing perspective, this is allowing us to get some recognition for our school. The world won't really care who is running - but we want them to see that Renaissance is an Outward Bound School!
What we want to get across with our media/marketing push is:
* Most important reason: We're an Outward Bound school - we intentionally push kids outside their comfort zone (with support) in order to empower them to do things they didn't think they could do. The result is growth in confidence, character, and leadership skills.
* Staff realizes that we need to do this too. We need to take opportunities to push ourselves outside of our comfort zone and support each other.
* You have to experience something in order to lead others to do it.
* Teacher's must help students transfer the experience they have through Adventure Education into other parts of their lives.
Featuring the race at All School Meeting was done so that the kids would know about the race. After the race, information will be shared with the kids the same way we debrief after a voyage. Crews are encouraged to write notes of support, tips to the team about how to face a fear, a banner - whatever might feel right to you.That way, they'll be eager to hear how it went. It's important that our students see the adults in their community living by the principles we ask them to embrace - whether that be taking the challenge or supporting as a team. The Ragnar is just one way we can do this.
Well, you know I have put together a marketing team. The purpose of the strategic marketing plan is to gain support for our school and recognition. One member of the marketing team is an expert with media. She has cued up 9News, Channel 4 News and some local media to capture the story of the Ragnar race. The purpose is to market our school.
With a busy summer and a whirlwind start to our school year information about the Ragnar Relay fell to the bottom of the priority list for sharing information and details with all you. I hope this post helps everyone see how this race fits into the bigger picture of our school mission and vision.
Each of us, in our own way, inspire our students every day as examples of what we believe in as a school. This is only one way.
A new member of our Crew!
Welcome Billie!
My name is Billie
Locke and I will be joining the Renaissance team as an educational
assistant. I come to your community with
many years experience in varying learning environments. Most recently in
Montessori environments, but I also have experience in special education and
occupational therapy. I have worked with
children and staff in various support roles, with age ranges from preschool-6th
grade. I am looking forward to serving
this great community and learning even more about the expeditionary model.
On a personal
note, our family has just relocated back to Colorado after 3 years in Austin
Tx. I graduated from Metropolitan State College
with a BA in Psychology in 2008. I met
my husband while attending CSU and we have been married for twenty years this
winter. We have two amazing sons (sophomore in high school, sophomore in
college). We also have two large “super mutts” that we adopted from the Buddy
Center. In my spare time I enjoy being
in the outdoors in any way possible. My hobbies include biking, walking, hiking,
skiing, travelin and gardening. When I have to be inside, I enjoy doing
projects around the house, cooking and reading.
Outward Bound
“There is more to us than we know. If we can be made to see it, perhaps for the rest of our lives we will be unwilling to settle for less.”
— Kurt Hahn, Founder
“There is more to us than we know. If we can be made to see it, perhaps for the rest of our lives we will be unwilling to settle for less.”
— Kurt Hahn, Founder
I was looking on the Outward Bound website under the tab: Outcomes. I thought the course end evaluation (shown below) was really interesting. Obviously the indicators at the bottom are the outcomes of the course. Look familiar? Since our Adventure Education curriculum comes from Outward Bound is this something we could use?
Here's another graph showing growth....hmmm....
If you'd like to look at these in more detail with more description, take a look here:
Week of September 2-6:
Monday, Sept. 2:
* No School - Labor Day
Tuesday, Sept 3:
* NO RTI meeting
* Forrest's Crew leaves on Voyage to Educo
Wednesday, Sept 4:
Professional Development - Second offering of CITE Work Session
Friday, Sept. 5:
No Students
Professional Development Day - Planning independently or with team
Ragnar Race
Week of September 9 - 13th:
Monday, Sept. 9:
* Nuts and Bolts for New Teachers - required session 5 - 8 p.m.
Tuesday, Sept 10:
* RTI meeting 7:30 a.m.
* SAC meeting 5:30 p.m.
* REA meeting 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday, Sept. 11:
* All School Meeting 9:00 a.m.
* Professional Development: Building a personal assessment calendar
School Accountability Committee (SAC)
It is required by law that a teacher be a voting member on our school accountability committee. Did someone already volunteer to take this role and I've forgotten? Would one of you like to take this role? I need to know ASAP as we have a meeting September 10th. The SAC will meet four times over the school year - generally on Tuesday evenings from 5:30 until 7:00 p.m. Let me know if you are interested in representing the teachers voice on this committee.
Expeditionary Learning National Conference
The National Conference is Wednesday, October 23rd through Saturday,October 26th in Atlanta, Georgia this year. (Very poor timing as it is just when we are getting back from Fall Break!) Noreene and I are going and I would like to take a few interested teachers. The National Conference is a good professional development opportunity if you have some background with Expeditionary Learning because their are many sessions but not the type of sessions that go into depth. Those interested in this opportunity would be committing to a leadership role in thinking about the implications from what you hear and learn at the conference and how that information supports the growth of our school. It's also a nice 'shot in the arm' if you need to grease your practices with Expeditionary Learning.
If you are looking for professional development that is more closely targeted to the instruction and practices within your classroom there are other Expeditionary Learning conferences/seminars that are more fitting for you. There is an upcoming EL conference on assessment in January in Denver that Hanni and Brittany will be attending if we can get a slot. If we are able to get more than two slots to that conference I'll be sure to communicate with you so you can throw your hat into the ring for that one. In addition, if there are slots in areas other than assessment, I'll let you know about those.
Please let me know by Tuesday if you are interested in attending the National Conference.
District Chief Academic Officer of Elementary
Making School Visits
Here is the email I received. Sharing it with you so that you will be aware that Ted Knight and his team will be in our building for two hours. According to the email below, they'll send out an email each week so I'll let you know when I get one. Nothing you need to do - but it's always nice to know who is 'coming to dinner'.
Over the next two months the elementary coordinator that will be supporting your building and I will be making visits to each site. We will spend approximately two hours in each building, most of that will be in classrooms. The purpose of these visits will be to gather information and generate ideas in relation to implementation of the GVC’s and classroom instruction. We will not be evaluating teachers or buildings, but will be looking for ideas and gauging overall areas that we will need to provide support for. We would like to walk away from these visitations with a list of classroom lookfors in terms of implementation at the classroom level. We will send out an email each week to the buildings that we will be visiting as well as a general time of arrival. We will check in at the office and you or your team are more than welcome to join us, however I know that each of you are busy so we can also walk around alone as well. It might be a good idea to just let your staff know that we will be in the building and make sense of our process so they feel supported rather than evaluated by the team. Our goal is to build relationships with your staff so we can support them, therefore the philosophy of our visit is important.
Thanks, Ted Knight
Chief Academic Officer-Elementary
Featured Folks
By Lisa Beckman
My Aha moment at Renaissance came during my first year with Ms.
Kathy's crew up at Camp Elim. Here was the big climax to our school year and I
was praying that I was doing everything right. Worrying about how things would
go while being with a bunch of 5 and 6 year olds literally 24/7.
One of our kiddos, Tori, was in my cabin. She was so excited
about riding on the bus, hauling her own gear, seeing our cabin, and choosing
her own bunk bed that I thought she would burst with joy. "Ms. Lisa! This
is the best day of my life!" A phrase she repeated often and sincerely
meant with biggest smile you ever saw.
Right then I relaxed and got into the heart of a Kindie....that
life is an adventure so enjoy the new experiences and do the best you
can.....Well, out of the mouths of babes.
This is why I love being crew at Renaissance.
Thank you Lisa, Noreene and Forrest for sending me a feature for Featured Folks! Sadly, I don't have anymore for next week! So...while you are looking for something to do over the extended weekend - would love to have some more! Remember - there is no boundaries about what you can share!
Welcome Back Josh!
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I was too late to catch Josh outside arriving back from his voyage - but he is still smiling! |
Have a great weekend - enjoy the extra day!
I hope you have the opportunity
to enjoy the rejuvenation of nature!